Court Days 2018
We interrupt our regularly scheduled posts (the Philly trip!) to take you on a little journey back to Court Days 2018 at Hanna’s Town. I have posted LOTS of pictures and information about Hanna’s Town, which was the first English court west of the Allegheny Mountains, and was established as the county seat of Westmoreland County in the late 1770’s.
Robert Hanna purchased a tract of land, and this little community became the convenient stop on the way to Ft. Pitt or Ft. Ligonier. In 1775, Ft. Pitt (Pittsburgh) and Hanna’s Town were the same size! The historical society is renovating the old Steele farmhouse in preparation for moving all the offices there, and are starting on an education center that will be adjacent. It’s exciting to see the site grow!

This past weekend the staff and volunteers of Westmoreland County Historical Society and Historic Hanna’s Town put incredible effort into presenting life in the 18th century.
There were craft vendors, trade demonstrations, food (yea!), tavern tours, reenactor encampments, and portrayals of actual court trials held at Hanna’s Town. There is a lot to do, including Colonial Dance lessons, kids activities, and live musical entertainment. Proctors Militia performs skirmishes and mock battles
, and the native Americans even raid the early Sunday morning church service. 

The tents in the encampment and the native American hut add authenticity and an air of enticement to the grounds.

There’s even a short woodland path to take, just for the feel and coolness of the woods.
My suggestion is that you stop out and take a tour of Hanna’s Tavern and see the artifacts in the gift shop, any time you can, but be sure and put Court Days 2019 on your calendar for next year: The last weekend in June. You won’t be disappointed!
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