4th of July 2018
July 4th is one of my favorite days! I love celebrating independence, and those men and women who risked everything to make us a nation, a great nation. Several years ago we spent the 4th in Williamsburg VA
and that trip, too, was one to cross off my bucket list.
Here is a rough quote from a SWIP (Stalled work in progress!), taking place in front of the Capitol building in Williamsburg. Several of the characters are listening to the Declaration of Independence being read, reflecting their thoughts on what it would mean:
The bell in the tower of Bruton Parish Church pealed wildly. Guns fired into the air; men shouted in the streets. Horses pranced at the hitching posts, agitated by the noise. People ran from their houses. The taverns emptied, the shops cleared. A lone rider pounded his gelding down Duke of Gloucester Street, headed for the Records office, clutching a parchment in his hands.
“What is it?” Hannah demanded, grasping her daughter’s hand as they stood outside of Tarpley’s store.
“INDEPENDENCE!” someone shouted, and the crowd went wild with cheers and shouts. Kelly and Sky, along with Mr. Donovan, stood below Nathan, who was perched on the wheel of the cannon parked in front of the magazine. Violet joined them breathlessly, smiling up at Nathan. He jumped down, sending a cloud of dust swirling around their feet.
Benjamin Waller stood on the top step of the Capital entrance. Ben began to read from the parchment in his hand, the final product of extraordinary yet very ordinary men. “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds…” He continued, listing the grievances against the King of Great Britain. “We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America…”
The crowd cheered and hugged and clasped each other in excitement. “Does this mean you won’t have to leave, Nathan? Will the war be over?” Violet whispered to Nathan.
“No, Violet, the war will not be over. It’s just beginning. You don’t think Great Britain will give in that easily, do you?”
“…do solemnly publish and declare that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states…”
Raven looked down at her sleeping babies, one in each arm. If only she could believe that for herself, and for Thunder and Storm. But freedom was for white folks, not for blacks. They talked about freedom, when they really had no idea of what bondage really was.
Sarah watched Nathan and Violet, and knew in her heart that Nathan would leave with Sky, and when he came back, Violet would be waiting for him. Jesse took Erma from Elizabeth, jiggling her awake. “Come on, Erma, this is your future. Don’t sleep through it!”
Skylar put his arm around Kelly’s waist; she smiled at him briefly, then turned her attention back to Mr. Waller. Printer’s ink in her veins, he mused, willing himself to be patient.
“…we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
A deep hush fell over the city. Their course had been determined, their future set. As dusk fell, bright illuminations lit the summer sky, brilliant colors arching and sparking in delightful array. Williamsburg was alive with spirit and enthusiasm, proud for having taken the first step, determined to keep step. Thirteen colonies, now the United States of America, stepping out in faith, following their dreams and their hopes, leading the way for generations after them. Generations that, like themselves, would indeed, rejoice in this day, and be glad.
My hope is that soon this will be a finished work, that the process will be completed. In the meantime, Read Psalm 118:24 again, and join me in wishing our country a very happy birthday.
God bless…
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