Sometimes, even when a day is full of activities and chores, there is nothing noteworthy to capture. I started the day by putting fresh sheets on my bed, and washing two loads of laundry – which task then included ironing. I peeled potatoes and put them in cold water for around the ham tomorrow, then peeled 2 dozen eggs and boiled potatoes for potato salad, and made deviled eggs. All done with that! Oh, and here is a picture of my fifty cent snowflake from yesterday!

Even though we only live a few blocks apart, Kath and I don’t really get to visit or chat much. We spent about half an hour on the phone catching up on the past few weeks. Right now I am baking a Marie Callender’s Dutch Apple pie, for tomorrow’s dessert. That will round out the cookie trays and ice cream and M&M’s – I always have M&M’s. The ‘eternal’ Hallmark Christmas Movies are playing in the background.

Kathy & I take turns having the Christmas Eve meal after our respective church services, and she is taking a turn this year. Since I was somewhat distracted and a little busy this past week, I am thankful that it was her turn! And tomorrow’s meal – ham and a beef roast – is much more user-friendly than stuffing a turkey. I’m looking forward to a main focus of having my family here.

Memory book – December 24th: Tell about the most memorable gifts you have given me. “When you were 3 years old we ordered a rocking horse (on springs) from Sears Roebuck. You Dad kept calling the catalog department every day. Finally on Christmas Eve it was unloaded from their truck. We picked it up at the side door & went home to a couple hours of putting it together. It was named Trigger & made to look like Roy Rodgers horse.” I guess I was a cow-girl in training!

On this day in 1877 Thomas Edison filed a patent for his phonograph, and 336AD is the first recorded celebration of Christmas in Rome. Howard Hughes – Billionaire – was born in 1905, and Anthony Fauci in 1940. Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith, last of Lincoln’s descendants, died in 1985 at age 81, and in 1990 Tom Cruise married Nicole Kidman.

TOMORROW December 25 is:
Merry Christmas to all of you! Praying for peace and love for you throughout the holiday season, and that you keep Christ in Christmas! He IS the reason for the season! God bless… NOEL!!!
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