I slept well despite putting Grama’s clock back in the hall outside my bedroom door. I thought it would be too loud, but I never heard it all all (unless I was already awake).

After breakfast I boiled the potatoes and eggs for potato salad and deviled eggs, then wrapped the last of the gifts. Pinnacle Jeannette had their Christmas luncheon, so I went down early and did my work, then ate with the crew. Rege’s wife Jean stopped in – he’s still recovering from knee replacement surgery – to take him home after the lunch. Joe even stopped in from the Greensburg store.

Ken knows I like Brookside chocolates, so he bought be a huge bag, along with a box of single steep teabags. So many different kinds! I’ll be taste-testing for a long time.

Once I left there, I treated myself to a walk-through of L&L Fleatique. Always fun, and the staff were all in a great mood. Lots of laughing and sharing. I bought a little white snowflake for fifty cents. They won’t get rich on my shopping! I did see a clock exactly like the one we had in our kitchen for the longest time growing up. That’s one of the reasons I keep going back – just to see things that remind me of fun times and happy days of yore!

Just finished paying a few bills and turned on Godwink Christmas to listen to while I type. Two more days until Santa!
Memory book – December 23rd: Did your family go to a special church service at Christmas? Tell about it. “When I was 5 years old our church closed & we didn’t go until a few years later to the neighbors church. We had Christmas plays & exchanged gifts. When the war started there wasn’t enough gasoline to drive that far & we walked to the Old Mahoning Baptist Church – God was present in all the churches & I always liked to go to worship Him. I still do.” My sweet Mom, and the seeds of faith that were planted very deep, very young!

On this day in 1`779 Benedict Arnold was court-martialed for improper conduct, and in 1783 General George Washington resigned his military commission as Commander-in-Chief of the Army to Congress. In 1997 Woody Allen wed Soon-Yi Previn, 27, adopted daughter of Mia Farrow. EMMA by Jane Austen was published in 1815, and A VISIT FROM ST NICHOLAS by Clement C Moore was published in 1823 (The Night before Christmas). In 1938 Margaret Hamilton’s costume caught fire while filming The Wizard of Oz (Wicked Witch). Susan Lucci (All My Children) was born in 1946, and Victor Borge died in 2000 at age 91 – he was a talented pianist, satirist, entertainer. My favorite was his skit of talking punctuation marks! Look it up (Victor Borge – Phonetic Punctuation)!

TOMORROW December 24 is:
No Eggnog for me. Hot tea and chocolate chip scones! Happy Christmas Eve! God bless…
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