I had the luxury of a slow start on Christmas morning. I did get up at 4am and put the roast on, and again at 6am and started the ham. But I lounged around in bed after that and napped and read. Once I was up and showered, though, there was a list of things to do, getting ready for the kids and the meal.
I will recap Christmas Eve, though – Gen sent me a picture of her and Jack on their New York morning walk – he’s such a handsome little guy! With the Peanuts gang in the background!

At church I snapped a few pictures of the foyer and sanctuary, and the Silent Night candles lit at the end of the service. Joni was there, and her daughter Kim took a picture of us.

We had supper at Kath’s, and although Nate was taking pictures too, I forgot to get them. Here is a picture of Chrissy, Kath and I. We had a lovely evening, with great food and fun conversation. Jesse, Tonia and Isaac were there as well. Family are the best!

Still did not take photos today – I never seem to remember! Autmn was here with her new guy friend, Trakker, who seemed very nice and respectful. Chrissy got an ‘ugly sweater’ that blinked and flashed, and I loved it! Everyone was very pleased with their gifts, including me! Two gift cards to buy ebooks, Red Door, flannel sheets, a bracelet, nail polish and remover, and a purple candle from the boys. We ate too much, too many times, but it was a wonderful day with everyone together!

Chase is in the shower, Peyton is playing video games, Logan has a virtual reality game going, Kelly is eating chocolate chip cookies and reading, and Matt is sleep-watching the football game. Nate’s family left, as Chris and Autmn had other places to be. Despite my slow morning start, I had very little quality sleep last night and don’t plan to do much else this evening!

Memory book – December 25th: Tell about the most memorable gifts I have given you. “The GREAT ‘grandchildren’ who are adding to that gift with great-grandchildren.” She loved family – her quiver was full!

On this day – 337 is the earliest possible date Christmas was celebrated on December 25th; 352 is the first definite date Christmas was celebrated on December 25th. St. Francis of Assisi assembled the first nativity in 1223. In 1776 George Washington crossed the Delaware and surprised and defeated 1400 Hessians, and in 1996 six year old JonBenet Ramsey was murdered- still unsolved. Jimmy Buffet was born in 1946; Conrad Hilton (Hotel chain) in 1887, Clara Barton, Mother of the Red Cross and Angel of the Battlefield, was born in 1821, and Humphrey Bogart (Here’s looking at you, kid) in 1899. Charlie Chaplin died at age 87 in 1977, and Dean Martin at age 78 in 1995.

TOMORROW December 26 is:
Take time tomorrow to reflect the blessings and the bounty from today – we are so blessed! Have a wonderful day and a great start to the last week of 2021. God bless…
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