Today was a slow but steady day – like the tortoise and the hare. After church and Sunday school, I stopped quickly at Aldi to get two things… that they didn’t have! I’ll try the end of the week. I came home and grabbed leftovers for lunch, then started on my list.

I only had small things to do but they took most of the day. I boxed up the rest of the leftovers (except ham!) for Nate to pick up. Organized a few things for work tomorrow, including 2022 calendars. Did dishes, scrubbed basement and kitchen floors, ran the sweeper, made icing for the scones, folded a dryer load of towels and fluffed a set of sheets. Nate came over for the food and helped me fill the soap dispenser built into my kitchen sink, and carried a few things to the shed for me. Tried Walmart for the missing Aldi items to no avail. However… there is almost no trace of Christmas items – clearance or otherwise! – and — yep! You guessed it! Valentines!

JJ & Max were painting crowns today, as the lesson was the Wise Men (or kings). They had glow-in-the-dark tubes that we made into necklaces for them. I took their picture to put on the wall, as we have photos of some of our classes from as far back as 9 years.

JJ & Max
Last week I stopped at Joanne’s Fabrics and spent $3.00 on a piece of material for a pillow cover. Took me about 15 minutes to make, start to finish. It co-ordinates with my winter blanket, and still matches the Christmas ones. The print is white deer and snowflakes on a red background. Suitable for Christmas but also acceptable for winter!

Memory book – December 26th: Share any other Christmas memory. “The year Hazel & I were trying to put the Christmas tree up in the corner of the living room & for some reason we started to argue. Hazel went off & left me in the corner holding up the tree. My mother finally came in & ‘rescued’ me. Hazel and I were in trouble for the day. We laugh about it yet today.” Siblings!

On this day in 1924 Frances Gumm (Judy Garland) made her show business debut at age 2 1/2 – billed as baby Frances. In 1973 the Exorcist was released. Steve Allen – Tonight Show creator and first host – was born in 1921; Harry Truman – 33rd president – died in 1972 at age 88. Jack Benny died in 1974 at age 80, and Gerald Ford – 38th president – died in 2006 at age 93.

TOMORROW December 27 is:
Would that be the food, or the person? Anyway… Today is the beginning of Kwanzaa, which ends January 1st. Have a lovely week, and God bless…

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