I’m so exhausted – this will be short. Work was busy and I was later getting home. I ran a quick errand for Autmn, cut the grass, cleaned up the yard, dug up plants, then pulled weeds in the stones between the fences. That is the WORST JOB! I’m always tired and sore and stiff when I finish. Kelly’s family got here just when I finished. No one had eaten so we made supper and cleaned up – now it’s time to finish this up and be done for the night! The boys are playing video games or youtube videos. Stepped outside to take a picture of the moon – and I got this crazy distorted photo that was kind of cool!

I will share Micah’s message from Old Mahoning. Praise is Beautiful! Life sidetracks us – but we should praise Him. If we don’t, the ROCKS will cry out in praise! We need to praise what He is doing in our life and thank him by words and song. The Lord cares for the broken hearted; be kind to one another, and forgiving. If God knows the number of the stars in the heavens, he knows what we need. He lifts up the humble and He will deal with the wicked. Sing songs with thanksgiving, use whatever means you can to praise. He takes care of EVERYTHING in our lives. God delights in those who respect and fear Him and have hope in him. Praise Him – it’s beautiful!

On this day in 1564 William Shakespeare was baptized, and in 1607 the Jamestown Expedition made it’s first US landing at Cape Henry (now Virginia) but quickly left for better site. In 1968 students seized the administration building at Ohio State, and in 2018 Bill Cosby was found guilty of sexual assault. John Wilkes Booth -age 26 (shot President Lincoln) was shot and killed in1865; Broderick Crawford (actor) died at age 74 in 1986, and Lucille Ball died in 1989 at age 78. Birthdays: John Audubon – ornithologist – in 1785, Frederick Law Olmstead, architect (designed Central Park); Carol Burnett in 1933 and Melania Trump (former first lady) in 1970. And my step father – John Graves Sr – is celebrating his 100th birthday today! Happy birthday, John — wishing you health and love and joy! We love you!

TOMORROW April 27th is:
Tomorrow is a big work day at the house – lots to do! Have a great day – God bless…
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