April 22, 2022

Every time I woke up last night, I found myself listening for the boys to see if they were still up. House is quiet now. It was very foggy this morning, but the moon was really bright and still pretty full. The fog burned off quickly and it was a beautiful sunny day. I spent the day inside doing household chores and cleaning, catching up from my lazy week. I still have a list for the weekend.

Bright moon but foggy

I did take a few minutes to trace around the letters on my garden box. The writing always fades and you can’t see it so I just use Sharpies. I also put the little set of battery lights on the back of the couch since all the Easter decorations are tucked away. At least there is a little bit of light.

Touched up garden box
A few lights on the couch

Finally put my little tulip spinner out, as well. Not sure if it’s in the right place to get enough wind to make it spin. We’ll see what happens. I’ll move it if it doesn’t work where it is.

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April 22 – What is the biggest physical problem you had to deal with? “I had my foot burned with hot lead when I was very young. I couldn’t go to school for several weeks. I couldn’t wear my shoe & it was cold weather.” I have the locket Uncle Jim was making when Mom got burned – it’s hanging in the Crooks room.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was New York City, and the picture posted was Woodbury Commons Shopping area. Here are a FEW of the things to see in NYC:

Empire State Building
Macy’s flower show
Broadway shows
Central Park
Brooklyn Bridge
Wall Street
9/11 memorial
Dinner cruise
Helicopter tours of Manhattan
Carriage rides
Bronx Zoo
Coney Island

Calendar inspiration – Seek out good things and you’ll find them.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

This is actually an historic site.

TOMORROW April 23rd is:

Well, that should do it. I’ll consider a picnic or look for lost dogs – or take a chance on a trail to the record store. Whew! Have a great weekend. God bless!

See the source image
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