April 23, 2022

It’s 8:30pm and I just came in from outside. It was a beautiful day to be outside working in the yard. I started the day changing and washing bed sheets, ironing, gluing a broken Easter decoration, and making some phone calls.

I had some errands to run, and I started at Lowe’s. I picked up another flat of ground cover, more Scott’s Weed and Seed X2, and four bags of mulch (on sale). I saw the cutest thing parked by the garden center. There was a dog taking a ride on a motorcycle! The owner allowed me to take a phono. Looks like they were going to have a fun ride.

Next I went to the Dollar Tree for greeting cards, then to Walmart for groceries. There was lots of traffic and lots of people – everything was crowded. I got what I needed and got home asap. I did see a crazy looking balloon sculpture at the new Dunkin’ Donuts – they are hiring. But then, who ISN’T hiring!!!

After a quick lunch I changed clothes and went outside. I re-treated my yard with the Scott’s Weed & Seed, as recommended by Matt. Then I pulled weeds on the hill and behind the shed, and dug up a few dandelions. I planted the 5 hyacinths, the two trays of ground cover, and then put down the mulch. I only needed 3 bags, so I’ll see where I need to put the fourth bag. I also had a small bag of pond stones to fill in some sparse places under the deck. I’m happy with the way the space looks now – I worked on the beds around the bottom of the driveway.

Before mulch
After mulch – bottom
After mulch – side
from the deck
from my bedroom window

I was also excited to see my bridal veil bush in full bloom. At least, Mom called it that! She gave me the bush right after I moved into this house, and it was from Grama Crooks’ garden.

Bridal veil bush

April 23 – Did you have any superstitions? “Just ‘fun’ ones. Step on a crack & break your mother’s back! If you drop a spoon you will get a letter in the mail soon. If you drop a fork a man will come. If you drop a knife a woman will come.” These days I’m always dropping things. I think it means I don’t pay attention to what I’m doing!!!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Gettysburg and the picture posted was the Little Round Top historic site. Ironically, Autmn just sent me a txt and said that Shaun is there for the weekend! I had no clue! So, that’s fun. Here are a few more pictures from Gettysburg.

Jenny Wade House
Eisenhower National Historic Site
Shriver House Museum
Gettysburg battle field
Meade’s Headquarters
Ghost tours
Devil’s Den
Covered bridges

Calendar inspirations – every worthwhile project requires groundwork ahead of time.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

Logan’s birthday dream – tune in tomorrow – HIS BIRTHDAY! – to see where it is!

TOMORRWO April 24th is:

Jen’s pig really DOES have it’s own blanket!! He sleeps under it. So I guess Jen is a pet parent! Have a happy day. God bless…

Jen’s Piggy Smalls
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