We started laundry first thing, even before breakfast or showers, so Kelly would have all the clothes clean and not have to do that when she got home. We had pancakes for breakfast and worked on little things all morning. They left about 2pm and I missed them right away! Even making pancakes for Chase at 7:30pm for supper, or cooking Quesadillas for breakfast at 11am when he got up! And Logan single-handedly finished the deviled eggs.

The new Education Director from Hanna’s Town called me (all the volunteers). She is so excited to start on May 2nd, and we are all excited to have her on board. She has been volunteering there for years and years, and she’ll be a great asset to the site. We are having a get-together on May 3rd to talk about the expectations and the anticipations. Louise is going to be a great addition and I know she’ll bring new ideas and direction for all of us!

I worked all afternoon in both stores. I was glad there were deals at Jeannette and Greensburg. Joe is still handling things mostly on his own. I think Rege had already left for the Pens game. Hope they win: Let’s go Pens!

I was looking through some things in my closet and found the lamb pajama bag my mom made me when I was probably five. I put some material in it to puff it up and put it in the Crooks room. Why keep it tucked away? Might as well enjoy it sitting out where I can see it and remember. Kathy had a Humpty Dumpty. I like my lamb!

April 21 – What is the best book you ever read as a child? “I loved Little Black Sambo. I wore it out reading and looking at the pictures. When I was a little older I was impressed by “Gone with the Wind.” We used to have the Little Black Sambo book, and we loved it also. I used to have Mom’s GWTW book but not sure who has it now.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Albion PA and the picture posted was the Sherman Covered Bridge. I know we went to several covered bridges but not sure if this was one. Other sites in Albion:

Calendar Inspiration – Got an uphill climb? Keep pushing onward and upward and you’ll reach your goal.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

Including shopping!
TOMORROW April 22nd is:
- National Earth Day
- National Girl Scout Leader’s Day
- National Jelly Bean Day
- National Donate Life Blue & Green Day – Changes Annually – (April 22, 2022)
- National Day of Silence
Speaking of Girl Scouts – I also found the Girl Scout apron that mom made me – and all of the girls in Troup 185. Fun! Have a great day with your jelly beans – God bless…

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