April 16, 2021

Di and I spent another hour txting ‘RED’ songs this morning! I think we both had some really good ones, like RED RUBBER BALL and ROSES ARE RED. Tomorrow is the last color day, and the grand finale! It was cold and rainy so I stuck with the treadmill, and listened to the songs while I was ‘treading’. Eleven songs total, I think! Of Course Snoopy and the Red Baron were in there!

Snoopy and his nemesis!
Bobby Vinton was a favorite
One of my favorite songs on the 60’s! That and Bus Stop by the Hollies…

I intended to stay in today, but ended up doing a few errands. Bank, then the clock repair shop in New Stanton. I’m finally getting Grama Crooks’ mantel clock fixed – it hasn’t worked for years. It will be pretty costly but I feel it’s an important family heirloom and want to preserve it. He’s very busy so may not get it back for a while.

You can barely see the clock behind all the ‘stuff’!

My cousin stopped to give me title work to do, and also a nice thank you note. It’s really great to feel appreciated and to know you are able to do something for someone else that is helpful and a blessing to them. Also finally started reading the GOOD GREIF book that was a gift from Ron as the first official guest of the Burke Bed & Breakfast this season. (Unofficial would be family – but no less cherished and important!)

A thank you from my family
A gift from Ron

I will share Justin’s message from Martin’s Ferry. What comes next? (After Easter). After such a high point, we often find ourselves in the valley. We are anxious about what will happen. But — PEACE comes next – it’s promised. Be filled with the spirit continually. BUT – we leak! We find ourselves empty – we’re on ‘E’. There are 3 things that rob us of the Holy Spirit. 1) we stop desiring and go against the Holy Spirit – we chase after wrong things. Be careful what you do – don’t live in conflict with God. He lifts us out of the slimy pit and sets our feet on solid ground. 2) We are resistant – we go against God’s plan; we want only a little bit of God. We should live for Him, as he has great plans for us. 3) ‘You have not, because you ask not’. ASK for the Holy Spirit’s power. Ask, seek, and knock. The Holy Spirit takes over for us; it’s God’s gift to us. We need to be filled. That’s what comes next.

Justin Hill from Martin’s Ferry

On this day in 1705 Queen Anne of England knighted Isaac Newton (is he the one who invented those fig cookies?) and in 1861 President Abraham Lincoln outlawed business with confederate states. In 1900 the US Post Office issued the first books of postage stamps, and in 1935 the first radio broadcast of Fibber McGee and Molly aired. In 1956 the first solar powered radios went on sale, and in 1977 Alex Haley found his roots in Gambia. Rosalind Franklin – chemist & Co-discoverer of the structure of DNA – died at age 37 in 1958 of ovarian cancer. Birthdays: 1867 – Wilber Wright (aviator); Charlie Chaplin in 1889; and Jimmy Osmond (from Osmond Brothers, Donnie and Marie’s brother) in 1963. And today by very good friend and one of my employers – Regis Faddish – is celebrating a birthday today. I have so much respect and enjoy working for him so much – I am blessed to be a friend! Happy birthday, Regis! Have a wonderful day and a successful, happy, prosperous year!

May be an image of 2 people and people smiling
Sir Regis and his daughter Kelly
Writer Alex Haley
Alex Haley

Chemist and Molecular Biologist Rosalind Franklin
Rosalind Franklin

TOMORROW April 17th is:

I think I’ll create my own National day to celebrate – and it may have to do with the refresher training at Hanna’s Town that I will attend tomorrow. I’m so glad to be going back! Have a wonderful weekend! God bless —

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