April 17, 2021

Another cold morning – so stayed inside. Today was our last color day for Di and Carol and I – and it was a grand finale! It was…. RAINBOW! There were quite a number of fun songs, including Judy Garland’s untouchable classic, and Kermit’s musing. Now we’ll see what we come up with next!

APOD: 2018 October 2 - Supernumerary Rainbows over New Jersey
Over the Rainbow
Judy Garland – Dorothy!
Kermit – Rainbow Connection

After changing bedsheets and baking the scones and eating breakfast, I headed for refresher training at Hanna’s Town. I haven’t really been too involved there over the last 2 years with everything that’s been going on, and I was totally surprised by the changes in the sites and in the tour content. I will have some serious homework to do to get ready! I plan to shadow another guide on opening day (May 1st) until I get comfortable adding all the new information and emphasis. Below is a smattering of photos that I took. My encouragement is that you come out to the site and catch a tour or an event! This will be an amazing season!

Inside Hanna’s Tavern – getting ready to make a meal…
Klingensmith House- event space
In the Tavern
In the Murry-Beacom house – new textile displays

Hanna’s Tavern
Pam explaining the displays and processes
Hearth in the Murry-Beacom house – display pictures above
First year cabin – set up as a blacksmith shop
The new LeFevre House – taken from the upstairs loft into the great room. Building was moved from Jeannette and rebuilt!

I will share Steve’s message from Maplewood – Faith before Certainty. Thomas needed evidence in order to believe – most of us do, as well. But we have been given enough to believe. We want someone to PROVE it, then we’ll believe. But trusting and believing must come first, and then you will have the certainty. In John’s gospel he says, “I could have said more, but this is enough!” Blessed are those who have not seen, yet believe.

Steve from Maplewood

On this day in 1492 Christopher Columbus signed a contract to find the ‘Indies’, and in 2011 the Game of Thornes premiered. Ben Franklin died at age 84 in 1790, Doris Roberts, actress (you’ll recognize her from the photo!) died at age 90 in 2016, and First Lady Barbara Bush died at age 92 in 2018. Birthdays: J P Morgan, banker, in 1837; Daffy Duck (cartoon character) debuted in 1937. Two friends are celebrating. A former Smail co-worker Brian Kirsch has a birthday today, and my sweet friend and former prayer partner (as a young girl) is celebrating today – Ashly Stillwagon Staley. Happy birthday Ashly – hope you have a wonderful day and an amazing year, and that all your dreams and wishes come true. Love you!

Actress Doris Roberts
Doris Roberts
Explorer of the New World Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus
United States Founding Father Benjamin Franklin
Ben Franklin
May be an image of 2 people, including Brian Kirsch
Brian and his wife Kelly
May be an image of 1 person, hair and outerwear
Sweet Ashly

TOMORROW April 18th is:

“Animal Crackers in my Soup!” – so who sang that to make it famous! Yep! Shirley Temple…. Have a great Lord’s Day — God Bless…

“Animal Crackers in my soup”

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