April 15, 2021

For those of you who like to put things off, don’t panic; you have until May 17th to get your taxes done…. Thankfully mine are!

On this date in 1974 I married who I thought would be my forever. And even though it was NOT forever, I bring this up for one purpose. The most precious and wonderful gifts I have ever had or will have came out of that marriage. My two precious children – Kelly Sabrina (Matt) and Nathan Wade (Jen) – are the lights of my life. And the sub-blessings are the five grandchildren who fill my life and heart with gladness: Autmn Rose, Peyton Matthew, Christina Kelly, Logan Wade, and Chase Emerson. God knew what I would need, and I couldn’t ask for anything better! Love you guys!

He looks like he was having fun….
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Matt & Kelly
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Nate & Jen
Christina & Autmn

Driving home from work this morning I heard one of my favorite songs. I was in the mood to sing, so I cranked it up and blasted the music. Thankfully, it drowned out my voice…

Snoopy – on the dash – along for the ride…

Today I will share Scott’s message from First Baptist: In Doubt or In Faith. Our MISSION is powered by the spirit, Jesus’ spirit. We aren’t going about God’s business alone. We must stay attached to Jesus, our vine, to bear fruit. Christ’s love completes us, it’s in our heart. The obstacle in our way is doubt. We don’t like the unknown, but Christ can help us. As in scripture: I believe – help me overcome my unbelief! The Lord will provide the faith we need. Christ’s blessing is faith. We trust though we have not seen. God blesses us with what we need for our mission. He will prepare you for what you need to go through. Just seek Christ and his Holy Spirit and we will accomplish our mission.

Scott from First Baptist

On this day in 1861 Federal army of 75,000 volunteers was mobilized by Abraham Lincoln. In 1865 Abraham Lincoln died 9 hours after he is shot. In 1912 the unsinkable Titanic sinks at 2:27am as the band played on… In 1945 FDR was buried on the grounds of his Hyde Park home, and in 1952 the Franklin National Bank issued the first bank credit card. In 2019 Notre Dame catches on fire, toppling the spire and destroying the roof. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452, Elizabeth Montgomery (Samantha on Bewitched) in 1933, Emma Thompson in 1959, and Emma Watson in 1990. Abraham Lincoln (as mentioned) died at age 56 in 1865. In 1912 Edward Smith (captain of the Titanic) died at age 62, and John Jacob Astor IV (richest person on board) died at age 47 on the Titanic. Corrie ten Boom died in 1983 at age 91. In 1994 Robert F Kennedy Jr married Mary Richardson, 21 days after his divorce.

How one American newspaper reported the Titanic disaster
Sad, sad day….
The bed on which Abraham Lincoln died hours after being shot by John Wilkes Booth, taken shortly after Lincoln's body was removed
Abraham Lincoln’s deathbed
Thirty minutes from collapse, the Notre Dame' towers and belfries were saved
Notre Dame

TOMORROW April 16th is:

It’s a good thing I don’t work tomorrow. I might be tempted. As for my medicine cabinet – it’s all good! Other than the fact that I have about 14 tubes of chapstick…. Have a great start to a wonderful weekend! God bless…

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