April 12, 2021

Ron left just after breakfast this morning, even though his flight was scheduled out of Latrobe at 5pm. He stopped to have coffee with his son Matt, then stopped at his son Dustin’s Tire Shop. He also visited his good friends Judy and Joe – who live right by the airport. I, in the meantime, went to work, got gas for the car, and came home to cleaning up the BB&B: sweep, changed bed sheets, laundry, Wet-Jet the floors, vacuumed. Being a Proprietress is not easy! 🙂

Four-star BB&B (Or is it TWELVE???)
Mr. Bear anticipating arrival….
Mr. Bear anticipating departure…

Yesterday’s trip to Ohiopyle was indeed fun. It was chilly, windy and a little rainy, but there were moments of calm and even sun. We walked around and took pictures, and found things we didn’t know where at the park. We finally found a picnic table in a gazebo behind the pizza shop and had our supper there before heading home. The drive home was beautiful, as well. Such amazing views.

Dogwood in full bloom – a favorite!
Ron at the falls
Upper falls
Upper falls
Lots of rocks!
Ron & I at the falls
Me at the main falls
Me at Cucumber falls
Ron at Cucumber falls
Looking down – it’s a fair drop!
I’m not good at selfies – but see the falls over my shoulder???
Cucumber falls – there was a family with 2 tiny kids down by the bottom of the falls( not in photo)! Seemed crazy to me!
Picnic in the gazebo
Wonderful view going home down the mountain – look at the clouds and mountains!

I will share Micah’s message – Walking with Jesus. We don’t see or understand what Jesus is doing. He has our best interest at heart, but we don’t have to understand what is happening right now. The Devil blinds our eyes so we can’t see the truth. Exercise your faith to strengthen it – just like your muscles! He read the passage of the stranger on the road to Emmaus and noted what hindered the men to recognize Jesus as they walked. 1) Impaired vision – Jesus meets you where you are. We don’t see what his plan is. When you have Jesus do you really need anything else? 2) Inaccurate view – We don’t see the whole plan, or who Jesus is. The men were sad and disappointed that this ‘man’ did not know who Jesus was. 3) Unanswered questions – only God can work it out. 4) Incredible vanishing. THE LORD IS RISEN INDEED! We should be EXCITED to tell the news. Let the scriptures open your eyes. Your spirit bears witness, and you KNOW the truth of who He is. Recognize Jesus. On a daily basis he gives us himself.

Micah from Old Mahoning

On this day in 1861 Fort Sumter SC was attacked by the Confederacy – beginning the Civic War (Kath! I hope we can go!!!), and in 1945 President Franklin D Roosevelt died in office and VP Harry Truman sworn in as 33rd President. In 1954 Bill Haley & the Comets recorded Rock Around the Clock. In 1955 Polio vaccine tested by Jonas Salk, who announced it to be safe and effective and given full approval by the Food and Drug Administration. In 1999 President Bill Clinton cited for contempt of court. Boss Tweed, politician and corrupt fraudster, died in 1878 at age 55; and Clara Barton died in 1912 at age 90 from tuberculosis. As mentioned, FDR Died in 1945 at age 63, Joe Louis (Boxer) died at age 66 in 1981, and Sugar Ray Robinson (Boxer) in 1989 at age 67 from Alzheimer’s. Birthdays: 1777, Henry Clay; 1947 David Letterman; 1957 Vince Gill.

The Confederate bombardment of Fort Sumter, the first battle of the American Civil War
Fort Sumter
Father of Rock 'n' Roll Bill Haley
Bill Haley without the Comets…
Country Singer Vince Gill
Vince Gill

TOMORROW April 13th is:

April 13, 1743
Thomas Jefferson

It will be a quiet house – but not a still one! Lots to do! Have a happy day! God bless…

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