April 11, 2021

The rain and cloudy skies turned sunny – but not sure how long it will last. I went to HCC early service and Ron is at his church now – so I thought I’d get a jump start on the Word Garden! Like — recap yesterday a bit!

The picture taken at the Buffet didn’t turn out so well – there was a glare from the front windows. Since it’s not entirely acceptable to roam around trying to get better shots I just took what I got! From there, though, Ron and I went to Twin Lakes and walked both lakes. It was ideally perfect! We talked and walked and laughed and even had some serious conversations – and it was a great couple of hours. He left there and went to watch his grandson Connor practice T-ball, and I picked up a few things at the store. The sun reflecting off the water at the lake was so calming.

Flowering trees at Twin Lakes – you can see a peek of the lower lake between the trees.
Connor running bases
Just my luck — stupid fortune!!!
Left side – Ron, Auntie D & her friend
Right side – Ron’s brother Paul, his wife Cheryl, and their friend Kevin
Sun on the lake
The brook was babbling for us.
Me by the flowering tree – lower lake
Ron’s son Dustin and grandson Connor
Ron at the gazebo

We had dinner and went for another walk around the neighborhood – We made ‘friends’ with a very calm little bunny munching on grass in the yard. The flowering tree and tulips were beautiful. Then we watched parts of a few movies – and by then I was half falling asleep – so now I’m catching up. But ironically, today’s adventures at Ohiopyle will be posted tomorrow! 🙂

munching bunny
neighborhood trees and tulips

Kath and Paul visited the home of our 18th president Ulysses S Grant – the house was a gift from 13 businessmen in gratitude for Grant’s Civil War service. Looks like a beautiful home!

Paul in a very striking pose!
Kath at Grant’s home

Greg’s Easter message was that Good Friday was the turning point in History – The reason Jesus was born was to die. He offers HOPE to an unbelieving and evil world, and can turn despair to hope. HOPE is very powerful. He recounted the story of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis – and how after over 4 days the men were floating in the ocean in complete despair. But when they saw the spots light from the rescue ship, it gave them enough hope to hang on. Jesus is the LIGHT – and he shines through us. We need to take LIGHT to a dying and desperate world. HOPE is a very powerful thing, and the Light gives us hope.

Greg from Vanderbilt

On this day in 1814 Napoleon abdicated unconditionally and was exiled, and in 1890 Ellis Island was designated as an immigration station. KDKA broadcast the first radio sporting event in 1921 (boxing match), and in 1966 Frank Sinatra recorded ‘Strangers in the Night.’ In 1968 Lyndon B Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, and in 1976 Apple I computer was released. In 1888 Henry Ford married Clara Bryant, and Ethel Kennedy was born in 1925. My friend Chris Gump is celebrating a birthday today. Have a great day, Chris! Happy birthday!

Singer and Actor Frank Sinatra
Frank Sinatra
May be an image of 2 people and people smiling
Chris with her husband Wayne

Here is a quote I took from Chris’s timeline on facebook. It really moved me….

TOMORROW April 12th is:

I think tomorrow will be my ‘sleep in’ day – I need to catch up on that! It’s been two weeks of busy! But a wonderful, happy busy! God bless —

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