April 13, 2021

I bundled up and went for an early walk in the foggy morning. By the time I got back to the house the fog had burned off. Work(s) were light but did have things at both stores. After work I stopped at Walmart to get the correct window blind, but they didn’t have any. I ended up at Lowe’s for one, and they cut it to size. It was more expensive but seems like a very good choice. Came home to get the mail, and my long-awaited DVD – Wedding Every Weekend – arrived; it stars Paul Campbell (my absolute favorite!) and Kimberly Sustad and I was excited to get it. I’ll watch it this weekend.

Paul Campbell and Kimberly Sustad

Di and I usually start the day txting each other a ‘wake up’ song about 7:25am (very specific time!). This past week has been a ‘theme’ week, and the theme was colors. Today was white. She sent me 3 videos, and I commented on one by Marty Robbins. So she sent me another. I sent her one, and she sent one back! Then there were 2 more ‘white’ video songs, and some nostalgic reminisces about the 50’s and 60’s – including the fact that we were part of the ‘flower child’ age! It was a fun hour of sharing!

60’s flower child….
One of my Dad’s favorite artists!

A quick check of the weather app told me that today was the perfect day to get the mowing done. I took it a step further and weed-whacked. The weed-whacker and I have a love-hate relationship. I love getting it done but hate doing it. We battle it out – it usually wins but today I think it was a tie. But I was the only one to shed blood. The bright spot was that my favorite tulip is in bloom!

Favorite purple tulip

Today I will share River Hill’s message, which was presented by Greg Voss – director at Camp Christian. He shared the importance of camp, how God works through camp. It is a place ripe for the harvest! This year (as previously shared) is the 40th anniversary and there are lots of activities planned. We should remember that Knowledge puffs us up, but Love builds us up. The scriptures are alive and fill us. We need to get the message of Jesus out there. There is ONE Lord – and all need to know Him. Camp is a perfect place to come and share and learn and grow and give.

Greg Voss from Camp Christian

On this day in 837, there was the best view of Halley’s comet in 2000 years, and in 1861 – after 34 hours – Ft. Sumter surrendered to Confederates. In 1869 George Westinghouse patented the steam power brake, and in 1954 FDR dedicated the Jefferson Memorial; 1997 was Mario Lemieux’s last NHL regular game. Frederick North, Prime Minister of Great Britain, was born in 1732; Thomas Jefferson (see I TOLD you!!!) was born in 1743 (3rd President); Butch Cassidy was born in 1866 and Werner Voss – WWI Flying Ace known as the Red Barron (and Snoopy’s arch enemy!) – was born in 1897. Don Adams (Get Smart fame) was born in 1923.

3rd US President Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Halley’s Comet
Werner Voss
Werner Voss – the real Red Barron

Snoopy and the Red barron

TOMORROW April 14th is:

Out of all of those I’m sure you can find something to celebrate! Have a wonderful Wednesday! God Bless…

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