January 11 2025

This morning after the song of the day I got out of bed, reheated my rice bags, and crawled back under the covers and finished reading Alyssa Maxwell’s latest mystery, Murder at Vinland. At the very beginning I had strong ideas about two different things – and I was right about both! So that was fun.

After a shower and breakfast, I reluctantly attacked cleaning the driveway. The hill part had icy patches under the snow so I had to be extra careful. I got it all cleared except for the extra parking space at the top – ran out of steam for that. I threw salt on most of it and was glad to have it finished. I just checked outside before I started typing this, and a bit of a flurry stuck on some parts of the driveway — but I’m not going back out. We’ll see what morning brings.

I had lunch, then tackled a few inside chores. I first did my indoor exercises – managed for 15 minutes – then scrubbed the oven. I rubbed lemon oil on the kitchen table and the sleigh coffee table. They were really dry and that makes the scars show up more prominently.

Kitchen table – brings out the grain of the wood
Sleigh – scars aren’t so prominent.

Somehow my favorite Peanuts comic got rumpled, so I printed out a new copy and this time I put it in a frame. Perfect frame – since it’s a Peanuts one!

Then I found a movie on Hallmark that I never saw (it was enjoyable but not a favorite) and watched that while I caught up in my journal and did the ironing.

Di sent me a ‘saying of the day’ to add to the post. Being that we’ve been friends since the mid-60’s she can offer it confidently!

Scripture of the Day:


May be an image of bedroom and text
Not this early – but soon!

TOMORROW January 12th is:

National Curried Chicken Day; National Hot Tea Day; National Kettlebell Day; National Marzipan Day; National Pharmacist Day; National Sunday Supper Day; National Youth Day; Remembrance Day; Work Harder Day; National Pizza Week.

I will for sure have a cup or two of hot tea – and know pretty certain several of my friends will, too – Gen? I think I forgot what I was supposed to remember — I’ll work harder at it. And some day this week I’ll have pizza. God bless…

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January 10, 2025

I was terrible at taking pictures today! I got up and put the soup in the crockpot right away, then got ready for my day. I did some research on the trip Kathy and I want to take to NY in late spring. When Kath got here we narrowed down a few dates, and then looked up some historic and tourist sites near Albany.

Historic homes in the Stockade section of Schenectady NY

We had soup and grilled cheese for lunch, and spent a solid two hours plus trying to figure out what life was handing us! We did NOT figure it out! But we enjoyed lunch and our time together.


Kathy had just left when Autmn called and said she was stopping over. She had to be home soon but was going to grab McDonalds and pop in here to eat. She had her friend Alex with her, and they had just taken Cameron to Sea Base. He had a great time. He, however, doesn’t like shoes and socks! He was having fun tearing around my family room, eating chicken nuggets, getting into everything forbidden, and exploring every nook and cranny! I love that little guy, socks or no socks!

Kathy had left some things for Autmn – she was excited with pink bathroom rugs!
Our barefoot little guy with his skunk and a chicken nugget!

I went over to Giant Eagle to pick up my prescription when they left, and the line outside was about 10 cars long. I decided it would be faster to go inside. WRONG! That line was even longer. So I grabbed a package of Klondike ice cream bars and headed out – I’ll pick up the meds on the way home from church on Sunday.

klondike Logo

Amazingly, when I got home, I noticed that the set of lights on the back deck were working. Go figure.

Lights are working….

Scripture of the Day:


May be a doodle of text

TOMORROW January 11th is:

Secret Pal Day; World Sketchnote Day; Cuckoo Dancing Week; National Step in a Puddle and Splash your Friends Day; Cigarettes are Hazardous to your Health Day; Heritage Treasures Day; International Thank You Day; National Vision Board Day; Learn your Name in Morse Code Day; National Girl hug Boy Day; National Hot Toddy Day; National Human Trafficking Awareness Day; National Milk Day.

I don’t think any of my pals are a secret; and I never saw a cuckoo dance. We used to love stepping in puddles – not so much any more. Please teach your children about the dangers of trafficking. And Cameron loves his milk! God bless…

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January 9, 2025

I was exhausted last night for some reason, and fell asleep on the couch. Woke up an hour later and felt like a zombie, trying to get through my routine to get myself into bed! I slept well, and was ready for the day. It might not have been the best choice but I took 2 Ibuprofen at bedtime and then again in the morning. Didn’t cough much so it must be helping.

Went to work this morning, and remembered that three out of four of us have to retake our PENNDOT certification this month. It’s good for two years, and it’s easy to forget that it’s due. Ken registered all three of us through PAA and we are set for our 4 hour (ugh!) continual session next Thursday. Oh, joy.

Right before lunch I headed to Norwin – I had a routine test scheduled. From there I grabbed a frozen Coke, then stopped back at Pinnacle to finish the application form for the seminar. I decided on impulse to stop at Big Lots – they are indeed going out of business but not much is on clearance yet. Christmas items are 50% off, Easter is 30% off, normal items are 10% off, and food is not discounted. I was able to get two sets of lights to replace the ones on the back deck that I mentioned being ‘dead’ the other day. If it’s above freezing tomorrow I’ll try switch them out.

Half price is good!

I also found toddler dinnerware sets and got one for Cameron when he comes to Mimi’s to eat. And a set of four coasters – but no one probably remembers that I love coasters, right?

Isn’t this the cutest?
I’ll put the Christmas ones away in a few weeks.
And leave the winter one out until spring!

My afternoon chore was to make stuffed pepper soup. While it was cooking I had a slice of homemade bread with a burger. The soup is ‘steeping’ and will be lunch tomorrow. I think that’s all I’m doing today, except for balancing my checkbook.

Scripture of the Day:

Matthew 2:10 KJV - When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.  Christmas Bible Verse Images. Christmas Wallpapers.
We all know I love stars….


TOMORROW January 10th is:

Houseplant Appreciation Day; League of Nations Day; National Bittersweet Chocolate Day; National Cut your Energy Costs Day; National Save the Eagles Day; Quitters Day.

I try to never just QUIT. I don’t appreciate houseplants – I usually kill them (unintentionally). I love chocolate in mostly any form. God bless…

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January 8, 2025

It’s the end of the day, and I’m not feeling my best. I hear there is a nasty flu going around, and hoping that’s not creeping up on me. Still have a cough and an occasional sneezing issue. I managed to get the house cleaned, laundry done, and driveway and decks cleared. But now I’ve about had it!

The house looks and smells clean, and I just put the clean laundry away. Once I was done with that I went outside to clear the driveway – I understand it’s to stay cold for quite a few days yet. Several people recommended that I try cleaning the driveway with my leaf blower. It wasn’t the best job I’ve every done, but it worked. Until the cover on the bottom (over the fan) cracked and flew all over the place. I think it got too cold. I will get the owner booklet out and get the part number and order a new one. It still worked without the cover but I don’t think that’s recommended.

Just the green pieces

Deb came over to bring my Christmas movies DVD’s back (Welcome home, Biltmore Christmas!) and brought me a jar of soup. Since my stomach feels a little strange I don’t think I’ll try that today. Might be too strong, with the tomato sauce.

Scripture of the Day:

Matthew 5:44 - But I tell you, love your enemies and pray ...


No photo description available.
Happy birthday, Elvis!

TOMORROW January 9th is:

Balloon Ascension Day; Healthy Weight, Healthy Look Day; International Choreographers Day; National Apricot Day; National Law Enforcement Day; National WONK Day; National Word Nerd Day; Static Electricity Day.

When I think of Choreographers I think of White Christmas! Makes me want to watch the movie. God bless…

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January 7, 2025

I was up before the alarm this morning and bundled up sung and warm. I cleaned the driveway (again) and the walks and decks. Then I got a shower, breakfast, and headed to work. There were several things for me to do.

From bottom looking up.
Looking out from garage.

After a quick stop at the bank, I came home and made a salad and garlic toast. I’m not sure why I was inspired but I ended up making a batch of chocolate chip cookies. I think I wanted to use up the rest of my mini Christmas M&M’s.

My personal cookie sample
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Cookies-1-25.jpg
Some for the freezer

Also talked to Kelly for a while. They had a little more snow than we did, and had some road closings and some traffic issues. Matt and Logan were plowing and salting yesterday from 3am until 10pm. It’s a tough job but someone has to do it, and they are the ones for the job!

This is how much we got.

Somewhere, somehow I ended up with a cough. Not as severe as it was this summer and fall – just a mild nuisance. Right now I’m dissolving a cough drop.

Spare cough drop.

Right before it got dark I noticed two things. One, my driveway stayed basically clear the rest of the day, and two, half of the light strings on my back deck are out. Bummer. Too cold to do anything about that!

Thankfully it stayed clear.

Scripture today is courtesy of PEANUTS:

TOMORROW January 8th is:

Argyle Day; Earth’s Rotation Day; National Bubble Bath Day; National English Toffee Day; National Snuggle a Chicken Day; National Take the Stairs Day; National Winter Skin Relief Day; Show and Tell at Work Day; Typing Day; War on Poverty Day.

I will certainly celebrate typing day – I LOVE typing! I don’t have to work tomorrow so I can’t do show and tell. No bubble bath or English toffee. Logan snuggles chickens! God bless…

Logan and a chicken.
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January 6, 2025

Woke up to an expected layer of cold, partially frozen snow. It was cloudy and gray and I had no motivation to be outside for any reason. I took my time getting a shower and dressed and having breakfast. I txt work and said I would be in after I cleaned off the driveway. It took a while to do that and I was very tired and stiff. And by then it was time to change the laundry load and get lunch. I did look like a gimlet after I finished all that.

After a short rest I was inspired to move the living room furniture around and give it a little change. There’s not too much I can switch – some things will only work in one place. The stereo and speakers being one of those things.

It started snowing again at 2pm and is still coming down, albeit a little lighter. Hoping I don’t have too much trouble cleaning it off again.

Light snow… Star is on the window.

And that will be my day. Scripture of the day:


May be an image of minions and text

TOMORROW January 7th is:

Distaff Day (check it out – historic fact); I am a Mentor Day; I’m Not Going to Take it Anymore Day; National Bobblehead Day; Old Rock Day; Orthodox Christmas Day.

I could be a mentor, I have a Snoopy solar bobblehead and several old rocks. Happy Orthodox Christmas. God bless…

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January 5, 2025

It was very cold this morning but no new snow. Predicted snow for overnight but I’m hoping they are wrong. I popped over to Walmart to grab a few things and it was a madhouse there. So many shelves were empty! Glad it wasn’t something I needed. People everywhere. I saw my step-daughter Theresa’s husband (widower? She passed away) and he is hoping to get home before he has to worry about the snow, too.

Older photo of Mel.

Todd’s message was about the CHURCH. The church changes lives. We are all connected by belief and response. The gospel is for everyone, not for us to decide who can be part of the church. Church is not a building; it’s the people who grow together as they serve God and love the Lord.

I neglected to mention yesterday about the little milk can light. It’s about 6 inches high and is perfect with the downstairs décor.

I have been scrolling past a lot of this year’s Hallmark Christmas movies but I found one I really did like. I enjoyed ‘Following Yonder Star.’ It is worth the watch – is certainly faith based; and the male lead is a very unique actor – lots of humor.

Following Yonder Star

Last night was my first sleep on the new flannel sheets that Kelly’s family got me for Christmas. Soft and warm!

Scripture for today:

Matthew 3:17 Inspirational Image


May be an image of text

TOMORROW January 6th is:

Apple Tree Day; Dry Bean Day; National Thank God its Monday Day; Epiphany; National Cuddle day; National Take a Poet to Lunch Day; National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day; Three Kings Day; World Day of War Orphans; National Shortbread Day.

My tree is down. Haven’t see the kings anywhere, and don’t know any war orphans. I could do the cuddle thing. God bless…

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January 4, 2025

Took a slow start to the morning – updating my pill organizer, changing sheets, doing my ‘exercises’. Got a shower and made cinnamon rolls for breakfast. By the time I was dressed and started laundry it had quit snowing, and the roads and driveway were almost totally clear. I loaded up the car and drove to Goodwill and dropped off the boxes of extras that I didn’t want. Right now it is snowing again but hoping we don’t get much overnight.

Can you see the flakes?

After Goodwill I enjoyed walking around L&L Fleatique. I was looking for something specific I saw there before Christmas – it was a small blue felt reindeer. Of course that one vender had switched to Valentine’s day already. He had white ones so I bought one, and a blue tree. Tucked away until next Christmas.

About three inches high.

And these are two of the finds that I thought were interesting! (Didn’t purchase.)

Stuffed momma kitties and three nursing babies!
Grinch tree

I ate a leftover roll for lunch then changed the laundry load to the dryer. I did another ‘dance’ exercise and cleaned off the driveway and walks again. Got a txt from Mike G and he wanted to run out to get something notarized. He had never been here so it was fun to show him around. He loves antiques and was excited when I told him about L&L. I suspect he’ll end up there soon. He insisted on bringing me dinner – so I am having a Big Mac when I finish this!

Last night I took a picture of the red lights glowing under a layer of snow. Looked really cool.

Red glowing lights.

I decided to keep using the winter plates for a while. I knew right where they were so I grabbed them out of the bin in the garage. It will help make the winter bearable!

Autmn sent me a picture of Cameron watching his shows on TV – he was decked out all comfortable in her new inflatable chair that she got for Christmas.

A captive Cameron.

Here’s a word from Snoopy today:

Scripture of the Day:

TOMORROW January 5th is:

National Bird Day; National Day of Dialogue; National Screenwriters Day; National Whipped Cream Day.

My mom would have loved National Bird Day! All writers like dialogue – Barb Miller is the queen of dialogue. My favorite Hallmark actor – Paul Campbell – is a screen writer, along with his ‘sidekick’ Kimberly Sustad. I’m not a fan of whipped cream. Enjoy your Sunday – ‘I was glad when they said to me, let us go into the house of the Lord. Psalm 122:1’ God bless…

They often star in what they write.
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January 3, 2025

Started out this morning with a little stress with a bit of snow. My cousin needed title work done, so he came over and while I was filling out papers, he and his son shoveled my driveway. So all was good!

Driveway is clear – but it’s starting to snow again!
Early morning snowfall.

I did laundry, had breakfast, and Kathy called. We don’t get to talk on the phone very often so we had a nice chat – about 45 minutes. Then I talked to Autmn for about 20 minutes. Cameron is doing well and enjoying all the mischief he can possibly get into. She’s getting ready for Nate and Jen to go down tomorrow night.

Jen and Nate last August.

I stitched a little place on a slipper sock, did some ironing, and then went upstairs to put my Christmas clothes away until next year.

Now he has all four paws
My shirts and leggings – and PJ’s

I was organizing the piles when I heard a loud crash. I rushed into the bathroom and a glass vase slid off the back of the toilet, crashed to the floor, and broke in pieces. I carefully picked up the big pieces, then salvaged the colored stones that were in the vase. Then I swept everything up. I found a new vase and everything is sort of back to normal. I can’t explain why the vase fell. It may have just vibrated too close to the edge.

Beads and broken glass.
New vase in the center. re-used some clear beads.

Right now it’s 24* with heavy snow predicted. I can’t see past the neighbor’s house. I walked up earlier to bring the trash can down but the mail hadn’t gone yet. I’m not going back out tonight!

More squalls

Scripture for today: Genesis 1:27

Genesis 1:27 Inspirational Images

TOMORROW January 4th is:

Free Flower Basket Day; National CanDo Day; National Spaghetti Day; National Trivia Day; Pop Music Chart Day; Tom Thumb Day; Weigh In Day; National Play Outside Day.

Tomorrow I WON’T play outside if it’s this cold and snowy! I CanDo the driveway if I have to! Not weighing in for a few more days. And I’ll be happy to get a flower basket! God bless…

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January 2, 2025

Today has been cold – but we could see an inch or so of snow tomorrow. I’ll be glad to stay home if I can. That’s the plan!!

829,700+ Winter Snowflakes Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty ...

I was busier at work than I have been in a while. I processed a few deals, then made up new folders for 2025. On the way home I stopped at Walmart for AAA batteries and drain root killer, which I’ll administer mid-January.

Just when I got home, Nate called to arrange to fix my doorknob. He was here in a flash and it’s perfect! I love the way it looks, and it’s much easy to use.

Autmn and Cameron stopped and visited for an hour. He is such a funny kid and is always running and laughing and playing. He likes to steal his mom’s drink so he can use the straw — and he likes soda! He does have his own straw cup with milk but that – of course – is not as fun.

He is fascinated with the little glass puppy that sits on the chair. Today he was ‘feeding’ it. Any time a door is left open (laundry, bathroom, garage) he runs to it and sits down in the corner and laughs!

Their visit made my day, and I was so glad to see them. Autmn took some of my discarded Christmas and dish items but didn’t want as many as I thought. Next step – Goodwill.

Trying to decide what to attack next!

Scripture for the Day: Exodus 3:5

Verse of the Day - Exodus 3:5 — Then He said, "Do not come ...

TOMORROW January 3rd is:

National Drinking Straw Day; Festival of Sleep Day; Fruitcake Toss Day; Humiliation Day; National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day; National Write to Congress Day; Women Rock! Day.

I’ll celebrate by sleeping! Cameron will do the straw thing. Mom would have had Chocolate Covered Cherries (her favorite!). Pick your fun! God bless…

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