August 13, 2024

Today is Deb’s birthday – our ‘violet’ cousin. Hope your day was happy and delightful, Deb!

Common blue violet - Florida Wildflower Foundation
Deb with Chrissy at Graduation practice

For a day that was full from 7am until 7pm I don’t have much to post. I worked in Jeannette but Greensburg didn’t need anything. Since I was close, I went to Norwin Walmart but they didn’t have what I was looking for. I did find a pair of walking shoes to replace the ones I’m currently using with almost no tread on them. Long over-due.

Of course, with a touch of purple!

I made a nice salad and garlic toast for lunch. I decided to mark the plug on the toaster because it was hard to tell which side was wider. OF COURSE when I did that I dropped a dot of nail polish in the toaster! I was freaked out and panicked. I was able to take a clean, dry cotton ball and get the drop out, then took a soft dry brush with Dawn detergent on it and removed the polish residue. Then I decided that it might be flammable. So I took the toaster outside and set it in the middle of the driveway and plugged it into an extension. I turned it on high and watched it from a distance. It was fine.

Driveway toaster

So I took it upstairs, put a half slice of bread in each side, and tried it again. It was normal and no problems. Only me….

Toaster is safe, and works fine.

Once I cleaned up that experiment, I backed the car out and washed it. The trip to the farm to do corn left it covered in dust and I hadn’t cleaned it. So now it’s clean with sparkling windows, so I’m relieved about that.

Shiny clean Chevy

I was just finishing up when Pat came to do the rest of the deck boards. He got them all done but one, because there was a faulty bolt that wouldn’t come out. He’ll bring different tools and handle that next. He also fixed the downstairs closet door. And of course there is the wait on the new door.

New boards.
Working on the door.

That’s about it for the day. Tomorrow I will get the cleaning done and so some laundry.

The old rotten boards

My blessing today was beautiful sunshine and cooler temps!

PEANUTS Thought for the day:

PEANUTS on X: "Snoopy's thought of the day. ...

TOMORROW August 14th is:

Love your Bookshop Day; National Pine Day; National Creamsicle Day; National Financial Awareness Day; World Calligraphy Day; World Lizard Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Nail day. No lizards for me, tomorrow or any day. I’ll stick with loving my bookshop! Mostly it would be Kindle! God bless…

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August 12, 2024

Gen and I got up early and had time for a good breakfast and conversation before she got on the road. We had homemade bread toasted and little mini cinnamon rolls with hot tea. She brought me down two boxes of STASH tea – Earl Grey and English Breakfast.

Breakfast treat

After work I stopped by the post office for stamps, and also walked down to see ‘Dad.’ His Hometown Heroes Banner is on S. Pennsylvania Avenue so I wanted to see how it looked and take a picture. It was a very moving experience, and I was emotional and on the verge of tears. Sometimes you just miss your dad!

My dad.
Look at the clouds!

But to recap our visit last night. I had just finished up making potato soup and baking some chicken when Gen txt that she was on her way from Youngwood. We sat downstairs for about an hour and got caught up on current news.

Baked chicken and cream of potato soup.

By about 5:30pm we were both hungry. She made us big plates of salad and I made the toast (homemade bread). Fresh veggies and warm toast. After dinner we took a two mile walk around the neighborhood, then took a garden walk. There were a few flowers that I have that she wants me to share with her next summer when her flower beds are prepped and read. I was flattered! Then we couldn’t help ourselves – we ‘gloved up’ and weeded the flower beds around the bottom driveway. A little task that made a big different. She loves the Zinnias where they are and suggested adding to them next year.

Watching our walk from a distance.

It was such a beautiful night, we decided to have dessert on the deck, as it was dusk by now. We set on the deck chairs, eating brownies and ice cream, watching the stars slowly peeking out into the night sky. She shared a story about her son Daniel camping in Utah, and seeing Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite. It was a cute story and amazing information about the ‘train’ satellite.

Image from internet. (WE didn’t see this!)

We both shared stories about family and work and some of our adventures. It was so wonderful to have her here, and to continue the bond we’ve had since the first day of school in 9th grade. These, as Diane would say, are forever friendships!

Me, Gen and the pink sky.
Pink and blue….

And speaking of Diane, she sent me photos of her hike today up at Buttermilk Falls, near Kittanning. Looks like the perfect day for a hike!

Buttermilk Falls
Butterfly on a leaf
Buttermilk Falls

So back to yesterday. Sunday school was a huge challenge, which I won’t go into, other than to say our little class of 3 or 4 was almost overflowing with 7 kids. A new family had a three year old, and he was unfamiliar enough with a classroom or structured setting that it was more than a challenge to teach and keep Bobby occupied at the same time. We will have to do some adjustments for future classes, for sure!

Normal class – we had over twice that many!

Todd’s message was still about ‘searching’, about making decisions and finding God’s will for your life. Several points that hit home: 1) We have too many choices. 2) Is my decision sustainable for me and won’t wear me out . 3) Peace is on the OTHER side of obedience. 4) WHO you are is more important than WHERE you are.

Pat (contractor) is outside working on replacing some deck boards. He already realigned the kitchen storm door. We’re coming along!

Pat hard at work.
New boards – treated lumber.

My blessing today and yesterday was Gen’s visit. Words can’t describe!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text

TOMORROW August 13th is:

Left Handers Day; Women’s and Family Day; National Filet Mignon Day; National Nail Day.

Friday’s day was National Crow Day. Tomorrow – my Cousin Deb’s birthday. I know several left-handers. We’ll talk about that tomorrow. God bless!!!

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August 11, 2024

There will be no post tonight – I’m spending a delightful evening with my friend Gen! Catch you tomorrow — God bless…

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August 10, 2024

Today is Snoopy’s birthday – and he’s 74! He looks really good for being so old. I hope I look that good when I’m 74. Oh, wait….

May be a doodle of text

I decided to take advantage of the cooler temps and the nice breeze. I got up, changed and washed bed sheets, and then went outside to weed whack. My intention was to do that early, have breakfast, then go back later in the day and mow. But after I took a break, I decided why get dirty twice? So I cut the grass, hosed off the mower and the weed-whacker, then hosed the white fence. THEN I came in and got a shower.

Morning glories climbing on my boy and girl in the swing.
More Rose of Sharon blooming, and freshly cut and trimmed back yard.

I was going to have toast for breakfast but my toaster wouldn’t work. It did that once before and the manufacturer explained how to fix it. I’ve tried several time to clean it out thoroughly but no luck. I’ll try it one more time, and then it will be switch to a new toaster. I really liked that one!

Sad, sad, sad….

Pat (who is replacing and fixing my doors) just called me. The new door for the family room presents a pickle. If I get the same swing as I have now it will cost $300.00 more. If I get the opposite swing the door knob will be on the other side. They say when you get older you should experience things that challenge your brain. Bingo!!!

Current door – the new one will be HARD to get used to!

I had the last two ears of farm corn for lunch, then went for a short (very short) walk. I noticed how raggedy the Bridal Veil Bush was – WAY too big and impossible to mow around. It’s branches are prickly and kept whacking me in the face and arms. I spent about 45 minutes trimming that, and also some little lilac stragglers that were encroaching on the front deck. So now that’s done.

REALLY gave it a cut!
This space was full of knee-high lilacs.

I want to review my Sunday school lesson again, because it’s a little deep for my 4 year old student. I need to simplify a few concepts.

Beth sent me a photo of a ‘Book’ Christmas tree. I may try that this year. I really need to upgrade from my 40 year old artificial tree!

I think it would take all my books to do this!

Christina and Autmn went to a concern tonight – it was their last ‘sisters’ fling before Christina leaves for college. Nate and Jen are watching Cameron, so he brought him over for about an hour so we could play. It was a fun evening!

Ummm – wrong end of the spork!!!
“I know this door opens…”
Toys and Puppers
Not sure what that look means…

My blessing today was spending time with Cam and Nate!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text

TOMORROW August 11th is:

Melon Day; Mountain Day; National Align your Teeth Day; National Crow Day; National Face Mask Day; Presidential Joke Day; Son and Daughter Day; Play in the Sand Day; National Spirit of ’45 Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was Sea Shell Day. Tomorrow let’s reach out to our sons/daughters, climb a mountain, play in the sand, and eat water melons! God bless…

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August 9, 2024

It was a lovely Friday – weather cooperated after a morning rain. I did some reading, laundry, ran the dishwasher, fussed around in the yard, and switched out some photos in a few frames. I also got a jump on the essay for our Skunk Hollow event in October so I’m ahead of the game for that one.

After the rain.

I finished the first book in the Amelia Island series and started the second one – This series seems to have a lot of drama and action.

Outside I pulled a few weeds, got the mail (junk only!!), and saw that the Butterfly bush got considerably bigger. The blooms are almost all purple and white.

Butterfly bush

I noticed that Ligonier Valley Writers posted a picture of most of the published authors on their facebook page.

The ones I know are:
Back row – Joe Potts, Alicia Stankay, Nancy Clark, Jim Busch, ?, Keith Neill
Front row – Susan Potts, Jean P., me, Ruth McDonald, Louise Vrable

I finally got around to making my yellow squash for lunch, with a piece of water melon. I’ll probably have tomato and toast for supper.


I decided to switch out some pictures in a few of my frames. I don’t do that too often. But I really liked the picture of Kathy and I in the antique car at the Frick mansion in Pittsburgh so I put that in the ‘sisters’ frame and it really kind of ties the pictures together. Also put out a picture of Duke of Gloucester Street at night, taken from our Colonial House window right before our ‘ghost’ tour. The other frame was upstairs in the living room, a picture of the Biltmore and one of our Williamsburg Colonial House at night.

I think the driving photo ties all the travel photos together!
Top – Biltmore; Bottom – Duke of Gloucester Street at night.
Bruton Parish Church before our tour.

My blessing for today was the sunshine after the rain.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

PEANUTS on Twitter

TOMORROW August 10th is:

Garage Sale Day; National Sea Shell Day; National Bowling Day; National Lazy Day; National S’mores Day; National Shapewear Day; National Spoil Your Dog Day; Update Your Bio Day; World Lion Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Eye Glasses Day. Tomorrow – garage sales sound fun, and being lazy. If you have a dog, spoil it! God bless…

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August 8, 2024

My first chore of the day was a doctor’s appointment at Latrobe Hospital. It was a follow up from a pulmonary function test I had in February. There are two other tests I need to have done – to determine treatment. I don’t really have issues right now, but I also don’t push it, either! Both tests are mid-month so we’ll see!

From there I got tomatoes at Palmers, stopped at both Pinnacles, then came home. I had corn for lunch but had a tomato for supper.

one for lunch.

I spent a little time outside pulling a few weeds, then I took a walk. I feel like I need to get back into a routine of that. I liked seeing my house from the bottom road; right now it’s fairly neat.

My house from the street below me.

My toe nails needed touched up so I just changed the color. They were blue. They are a little rough around the edges but that’s the best my hands can manage.

Di was needing to cheer up a friend, so she stopped and got a few flowers from my yard. She did a lovely job of putting together a nice bouquet!

Happy flowers.

I just balanced my checkbook but there is a mystery attached. As long as there is more money than I THOUGHT there was (and not less!) I’m ok with that! I’ll check it again over the weekend.

Today was 33 years since Stoney passed away. Hard to believe it’s been that long.

Back in the 70’s

My blessing for today was my yummy lunch and supper with fresh garden produce!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW August 9th is:

National Co Working Day; National Book Lovers Day; National Hand Holding Day; National Rice Pudding Day; National Women’s Day; Shop Online for Groceries Day; National Passion Fruit Day; National Eye Glasses Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was Twinkly Lights day. Tomorrow let’s celebrate books! I LOVE books! Wear glasses if you need to, especially to read. God bless…

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August 7, 2024

Late last night I finished the Sanibel Island 7 book series and I liked the way it ended. The books were well written, with equal parts of humor, drama, mystery, romance, and family/faith. This morning I started another 7 book series by the same author.

I spent most of the day cleaning and doing laundry. A friend of Nate/Jen’s (Pat) who is a contractor of sorts stopped by to look at my deck and my basement doors. He’s going to replace some boards, put in a new door to the garage, and re-align two other doors that do not shut properly. That will be a big help!

After Pat left, it was early enough that I was able to cut the grass. It was a lovely day, cooler with a good breeze. I managed to cut the entire yard without taking any breaks. That’s a first since spring!

Sort of an easy cut today.

Then I dug up a bunch of crab grass along the fence line on Karen’s side of the fence. It was growing up on both sides and the mower wasn’t cutting it. Now it will be better for both yards.

Bottom fence line.
Top fence line.

It’s late and I need supper so that’s it for now. Oh! I had a call from Gen today and plans are that she’s coming down on Sunday afternoon and will spend the night at the ‘Burke B&B’! I’m so excited to see her! It will be fun to catch up.

Burke B&B – officially open Sunday night!

My blessing for today was two-fold: Having Pat stop and confirm that he could do these projects for me, and that Gen is coming down!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW August 8th is:

National Happiness Happens Day; National Whataburger Day; Global Sleep under the Stars Night, National Frozen Custard Day; Digital Nomad Day; International Cat Day; National Dollar Day; National Twinkle Lights Day; National Pickleball Day (go Logan!!!); National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto your Neighbor’s Porch Day; Odie Day; Peasants’ Day; Wear Your Mother’s Jewelry Day; Take a Penny, Leave a Penny Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Straw Day. Tomorrow – Logan can celebrate Pickleball! Jen can celebrate Cat Day, and I hope someone leaves me a zucchini or two! Have a happy day – God bless…

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August 6, 2024

Kathy sent me an early email, and told me about the lady bugs that her co-workers had spread all over her office space. They like to brighten things up and make it fun. It was a bit of a surprise, then, when I found a little red ‘lady bug’ crawling around on my kitchen floor! I scooped her up and let her free outside. So today was a lady bug kind of day.

There’s often 100 of them!
My little lady bug

There wasn’t a lot in Jeannette, so I went from there to help Mike P with a few small things. Then I got gas for the Chevy and headed to Greensburg. There were several things to catch up since I didn’t work yesterday. I had a follow-up appointment at Forefront Dermatology and everything was fine. Since I still had work to do at Pinnacle I finished up there after the appointment and went on home. I had a few ears of the farm corn for lunch.

At the farm

Diane txt me that she was taking a bouquet of flower to a friend in a nursing home and did I have anything to add for color. I sent her photos of what few things I have blooming. Not much right now but she’s going to check it out.

Almost nothing blooming on the hill.
Rose of Sharon
Zinnias and marigolds
There’s lots of these.

Finally got an estimate to have the gi-normous trees in the front yard trimmed back. It’s in the budget so looks like those guys are getting a major haircut sometime in early September. I’ll feel so much better when they aren’t towering over my house.

Trees too big!

Another picture from Chrissy’s party – her and Cameron by her graduation banner with her senior picture.

My blessing today was a good report at the follow up appointment.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW August 7th is:

Aged Care Employee Day; National Lighthouse Day; National Raspberries n’ Cream Day; National Sea Serpent Day; Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day; Professional Speakers Day; National Straw Day; Purple Heart Day; Regatta Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Hat Day. Tomorrow – I’ll go with lighthouses. And a sea serpent if one splashes by… God bless.

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August 5, 2024

Today was corn day at the farm. Kath and I left a little after 8am. It was a pleasant drive out, and we needed to catch up on our conversation. We needed extra snack-size zip lock baggies, so we made a quick stop at Plumville Dollar General. These customers beat us there.

I think their momma was shopping for bones!

When we got to the farm, Uncle Clifford had the corn picked and mostly husked, some of it already boiled and ready to cut. He sent us upstairs first to say good morning to Aunt Joan who was just getting out of bed.

In full swing before we even got there!

We had all the corn boiled, cut off the cob, and tucked temporarily into the freezer before noon. We took a break and had a wonderful lunch, which everyone contributed to: Turkey and ham and cheese sandwiches, macaroni salad, kettle chips, fresh corn on the cob (from corn stalk to our plate in 20 minutes!) – with brownies and cinnamon swirl coffee cake for dessert.

Flowers from this garden were on the kitchen table!

Then it was back to work. We bagged the corn in snack sized baggies and separated them into the two coolers. Then we walked out to the garden, where Kathy and I each got a big bag of apples right from the tree, a tomato from the garden, little cucumbers, and a few ears of fresh corn in the husk to take home. Plus fresh made apple sauce.

Picking apples
Two huge apple trees – full of apples!
Looking up through the apple branches.
Half a scarecrow.
Whole scarecrow.
Onion seed pod.

But the best part is always family, and precious time spent with wonderful people. The time always goes too fast, and in between visits seem to drag.

Kathy with UC & AJ
Me with UC AJ.

We stopped at Donna’s store and grabbed cheese, then headed home. We stopped at the Blairsville Burger King – Kathy got iced coffee and I got a frozen Coke. Just the boost we needed!

Donna’s Store

I got home about 4:30, put everything away and cleaned up. Did a load of laundry, husked my few ears of corn, and am done with my day! And it was a good day!

Corn, tomato, mini-cucumber, applesauce.

My blessing today was spending time at the farm with sweet family.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

I sincerely hope not!

TOMORROW August 6th is:

Balloons To Heaven Day; Farmworkers Appreciation Day (a day late!); National Fresh Breath Day; National Hat Day; National Night Out; National Root Beer Float Day; National Wiggle Your Toes Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was pink flower day. Tomorrow for me is a doctor check up, work, and who knows what else. I still like the farmworkers day! God bless…

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August 4, 2024

TODAY is Friendship day and Sisters day. My friends and support circle are amazing and I value every one of them! So sending hugs and thanks for their unfailing support in my life! And here’s to MFS (my favorite sister) – couldn’t navigate the roads of life without you, sweet sister!

Max’s family was out of town, and Jackson/Cody came for second service, so it was just Gracie for Sunday School. She is such a sweetheart and we are going to miss her quiet, sincere spirit when the classes move on in September. Our lesson was about Jesus blessing the children, and she was so fun to teach.

Doing her favorite puzzle that actually fit in with the lesson!

Todd had another very compelling lesson. It was about Jonah this week. Why do we run from God’s directions? We need to just obey, and never say no to God. He will never fail us. He brings us back, doesn’t PAY us back. My favorite thought of the whole sermon was that God reroutes us from where we ARE, not where we started. He doesn’t reject us but guides us in every circumstance. I’m glad He’s a God of second chances — and 3rd, and 4th, and…..

I had toast and tomato (my last tomato!) for lunch, then cut the grass. It was pretty hot but there was a breeze and I took several breaks. Nice to have it done for a few days.

Side yard
Front yard

Tomorrow is corn day at the farm, so I made macaroni salad for lunch to take. Kath and I will leave early and make a day of it, and take sandwiches and dessert for us all. This is last year’s photo from corn day!

Macaroni salad
Cart full of corn husks!

My blessing today was actually Todd’s message, making a story that I’ve heard my whole life come alive with a new meaning!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW August 5th is:

Blogger Day; National Oyster Day; National Pink Flower Day; National Underwear Day; Work Like a Dog Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Frog Day. Tomorrow, of course, is CORN day! And we WILL work like a dog. Have a great day, and put on clean underwear…. God bless…

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