August 23rd, 2024

Today would have been my dad’s birthday! He would have been 96, which I can’t image my dad being that old. I had to get gas in the car so when I went over town I drove past his banner to say Happy Birthday and I love you!

I think I was anticipating a disrupted night’s sleep last night, so when I finally did fall asleep I kept having nightmares, and I would wake up coughing and almost choking! I grabbed the laundry load and carried it downstairs, thinking to keep my mind off everything. I finished it up this morning but did not get the ironing done.

Just a little load.

I woke up to the 7:38am song of the day, then read a chapter in the book I’m currently into. I laid in bed until 10am, then got a shower and had toast and tomato for brunch.

Dawn's Early Light
Very much an oldie, but a favorite!!

I had some emails and some research to do, and it was about 1:30pm when I finally got around to cleaning the windows. I also wiped off the outside of the garage door and now the whole thing looks clean and fresh.

I keep meaning to call the window company that installed my windows, because they have a life-time ownership guarantee. A lot of good that did. The number on the folder now connects to a Medicare consulting company! I have to do a little more research to see if I can find a connection for the company. Most of the 3 pain windows have compromised panes.

Mary called me in the afternoon, and we made arrangements to get food to Tonia’s family for lunch. So I Did a few things in that regard, and was able to grab a package of BOO Oreos in the process. I’m not a HUGE fan of Oreos — unless they are for a holiday and are frozen! This will work!

Pat (contractor) is to come early in the morning and install the door. He said he’s OK if I’m not here. So I’ll be ready for him.

Everything ready – the car will be out.

My blessing for today was clean windows! 🙂

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW August 24 is:

International Strange Music Day; National Knife Day; National Wind Day; National Peach Pie Day; National Waffle Day; International Bat Night; Vesuvius Day.

Yesterday’s Fake Day was National FAX Day. Tomorrow: Music, strange or not. Waffles, I guess. Have a great day and God bless!

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August 22, 2024

The answer to yesterday’s joke is: Because he took a few days off!

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Today is Dave Bath’s birthday – he’s like my second son! He is currently Nathan’s business partner at B&B Windows. Happy birthday, Dave! Hope you have a wonderful year!

No photo description available.
Dave & Nate – the early years
No photo description available.
Nate and Dave – 2020

I must not have worked hard enough yesterday and didn’t get tired out. I did not sleep well. I tried to make up for it today by keeping busy. I decided to dress in nice work clothes – bright capris and a dressy shirt – to help me stay awake. When I got to work, my authorization form would not fax through and I couldn’t log on to CVR. I tried calling but the recording said PENNDOT had suspended transactions and were not processing — try back! So there was nothing to do. I came home and changed into shorts and my ‘got marge?’ tee shirt and started on some projects.

I did some sewing on my new pants, then made two test hand warmers for Kelly’s 4-H girls. I only have to make 9 sets of them! I had the last 2 ears of corn for lunch, then went back to work. I just left my casual clothes on. I was able to log on to CVR, process Matt’s Polaris title and another deal for Sir Rege. I got ‘ribbon’ for the thumb loops on the hand warmers then came home to a few more chores. Finished the ironing, made potato soup, and did some notary for my cousin Brian. So I did keep busy.

Smaller one
A little bigger…
Potato Soup

Di sent me picture of a hike she took today in the Roaring Run Natural area, The Edmond Trail Head (near Avonmore). Nice pictures and a great day for a hike.

Gen sent me a nice Thank You note for her visit last week, and included a yummy looking recipe. I didn’t have what I needed to make that, so I stuck with the potato soup.

When I stepped out on the deck I noticed the big fat ground hog that lives under the neighbor’s shed – (s)he was chomping on the grass in their back yard. He is a big guy!! (Or girl…)

My blessing today was the nice card from Gen! Looking forward to trying the chowder soon!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW August 23rd is:

Cheap Flight Day; Find Your Inner Nerd Day; National FAX Day; National Ride the Wind Day; National Sponge Cake Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Jeans Day. Tomorrow would have been my dad’s birthday – more about that tomorrow. Let’s celebrate that and being a nerd!!! God bless…

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August 21, 2024

A little improvement, finally! I did get some sleep last night. I woke up several times but could get right back to sleep. That was a blessing. Also the doctor’s office called and my Chest X-Ray was all clear. So whatever is going on, it’s allergy related. But it really packs a punch!

Chest Xray Vectors & Illustrations for Free Download

As as is typical for a Wednesday, I did cleaning and laundry. It was SO tempting to clean up some weeds on the hill but I heard all those warnings in my head and totally avoided it! Just stayed inside all day. Ran over to the store for about half an hour but didn’t find what I wanted so that was that! In addition, the door came shut on my hand. Bummer…

Bruise on my hand – notice my meds in the background — 2 M&M’s!

When I was shaking rugs, I noticed that I have a small yellow rose blooming. I thought they were done!

Kathy said in her email that she’d have to keep notes so she remembered what she was doing. She wants to spend some time keeping Tonia company, and tomorrow starts her ‘get Millie off the school bus’ duties. She’ll have to remember where she’s going and what she’s doing. Hoping she doesn’t try to put Tonia on the school bus!

Millie not quite ready for school!

And my dear friend Gen from New York called to check on me, and suggested a few things to check into that could be effecting my cough. I made some notes and will check them out tomorrow. She’s also being care-giver this week. She is always a care-giver several times a week for a few hours for two children in her neighborhood (brother and sister). But the mother had a chance to take a small trip with friends, and between Gen and the kids’ dad they are watching them all week. Since Dad has them all night, Gen brought little Lucy the dog over to her house so she could sleep in her own bed. So now she’s bonding with Lucy.

Gen having fun on the playground!

Last night’s moon pictures.

Today’s blessing was the little extra sleep I got last night – I had a bit more energy to get things done!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

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TOMORROW August 22nd is:

Be an Angel Day; Folklore Day; National Jeans Day; National Burger Day; National Pecan Torte Day; National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day (There you go, Jen!!); National Tooth Fairy Day; World Plant Milk Day; Rainbow Baby Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Anchors Day. Tomorrow: Be an Angel and do something kind for someone. Eat a burger and take your cat (if you have one) to the vet. I no longer need the tooth fairy – but if you do, good luck! God bless…

BONUS: Here is a joke for you – answer tomorrow!! Why did the man get fired from the calendar factory?

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August 20, 2024

This post is going to be a bit on the dry and boring side today. Another night of no sleep – I think it’s was close to 5am when I finally drifted off and was up at 7 when the alarm went off. I got ready and drove down to Norwin Square Excela Health for a chest X-ray. I haven’t heard back with results, so at this late hour it will probably be tomorrow. But since I did get new medication yesterday I’m hoping a day’s worth will start me on the right track.

After the X-ray I went to work at the Greensburg store. Joe’s grand-daughter Ella was there for the morning, and she loves to color and draw. She’s very good with both staying in the lines and with creative colors.

Ella is starting 3rd grade on Thursday!

Once I left there I stopped at Palmer’s and got tomatoes and a few ears of corn. I had corn for lunch and will probably have toast and tomato for supper.

Palmer’s corn and tomatoes

Although I was really tired, I couldn’t unwind enough to rest after lunch, and absolutely didn’t get a nap. So, I cut the grass. I know, I know….

Front yard cut.
Bottom yard cut.

Also pulled a few weeds – neighbor’s corner was spilling into my yard.

Thick weeds…
Corner cleaned up.

Pat is here now replacing the last bad board on the upper deck. Then we just have to wait for the new door to come in.

Last replacement board.

Tomorrow I plan to take my time with chores, and since it’s to be chilly again I’ll stay inside. I had 2 people approach for long-term type commitment favors and I gently explained why I could not take on anything else right now. Maybe down the road, but I’m pretty sure I need to take on less commitments, not more.

Cool tomorrow

My blessing today was visiting with Ella for a bit!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW August 21st is:

International Day of Remembrance; Internet Self Care Day; National Senior Citizens Day; National Spumoni Day; National Anchors Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Nose Day. Tomorrow- lots of things to remember, especially our Senior Citizens! Have a happy day and God bless…

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August 19, 2024

I just called my doctor’s office – the first thing they made me do was a COVID test – which was clearly brightly negative. So that’s ruled out. Now they are going to take that news, plus my symptoms, and see if they can come up with a plan – which hopefully will involve no coughing and a lot of sleep!

Dr Cole

But now, back to the ‘holes’ in the weekend. First, Nate and Jen took Chrissy to Point Park on Saturday to get moved in to her Dorm room. From the pictures it looks roomy and comfortable. She did meet her room mate and it seems like a good fit. She has her BallyHoo posters up – her favorite band! – and also her bear that she got in the hospital the day she was born! Nate says he feels like he left a little bit of himself there when he headed home; Jen cried half way home! This is a new and exciting chapter in Chrissy’s already fabulous, sweet, accomplished life!

Moving in!
In her dorm room
Ballyhoo for company
Look at the cool light!
Chrissy and Bear-y
Newborn Christina with Bear-y

These pictures are from Lauren’s facebook page:

Chrissy sent me a txt – this is outside her building and she thought of me!!


Autmn sent me a few txts – Noah brought her flowers home, just because. I told her he was a keeper, and to make sure he knows she appreciates him! She also said Cameron is a walking machine and all over the place. He’s also been laughing and giggling a lot. I can’t figure out how to get a video to post here so here’s a snapshot.

A rose from Noah for Autmn Rose!
The walking machine

Jeannette store was slow this morning but I didn’t leave there until 11:15am. Sir Rege and I were discussing business, illnesses, and healthy food. Then Ken came in and we talked about crabgrass, Lantern flies, and buying hogs at the fair! Interesting morning! After a quick stop at the bank, I came home and made a grilled cheese sandwich from Homemade bread.

No, wait! This is Jen’s pig, Piggy Smalls. NOT a fair pig!!

In honor of the full moon and the National Moon Festival (today) here is a picture of our moon!


My blessing today was a call back from the doctor’s office – 3 prescriptions and a chest xray in the morning!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

Wit & Wisdom sl

TOMORROW August 20th is:

National Bacon Lovers Day; National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day; National Radio Day; World Mosquito Day (They have their own DAY???); National Accessible Air Travel Day; National Nose Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was (big surprise!) don’t mow day. Tomorrow – Bacon is good, and I like my radio. Won’t be celebrating mosquitos… God bless…

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August 18, 2024

Out of the lowkey non-exciting weekend came a busy day! This post will be about a morning of decisions, and afternoon of parties, and a preview of tomorrow’s post. But first I had a cup of the tea Gen brought down to me – with local honey.

Then I took a picture of the spread of morning glories across the fence. Also noticed that Daniel is letting Enzo help him cut the grass. I think he’ll need to be a little bit older than four to do it himself!

Morning glories
Daniel and Enzo mowing.

It started out that I could NOT decide about going to the outdoor picnic/outdoor church service. Normally I would jump right on that, but I had a tough night trying to sleep, and it was cloudy, cool, and drizzling off and on. I didn’t want to be outside in that for several hours. So I opted to stay home. Wouldn’t you know, it was a beautiful, warm, sunny day with a nice breeze. To sooth my disappointed self I made a small batch of chocolate chip cookies. They turned out OK, but turns out I lost my natural touch for cooking and baking lately. Bummer.

My try at cookies…

After I cleaned up from the cookies, I wrote out a few cards of encouragements for my sick friends, then a birthday one for Millie’s party. I decided to go to the Ninth Life Volunteer Appreciation Picnic at Park & Pool (Ninth Life is Jen’s rescue). I got to catch up with a few people I knew and the food was good. Dessert was yummy and a very wide variety. Jen’s friend Esther makes the chocolate chip cookies and they are one of the best I’ve ever eaten. Made mine seem sad and forlorn.

Happy birthday, Carol!
Jen cutting the cake for Carol
Jen’s mom Sherree
Nate checking the schedule
Lisa Smith and her daughter Cherith. They help at the Pet Smart location and I didn’t know it! They are my friend Joe Potts’ daughter and granddaughter. Joe is one of the Ligonier Valley Writers
Ninth Life picnic people
Of course it’s purple – Jen’s a purple kind of girl!
Christine and Jen sharing Ninth Life info with the group.
Me with Nate
Picking a shirt
I’m actually not sure what she’s holding.
Jen’s gift from the volunteers

After the Ninth Life picnic I went to the next pavilion to wish Millie happy birthday. They had her 7th birthday party at Park n Pool – kids everywhere but the parents were very good keeping track of all of them around the pool. Kathy and I did get to chat a bit and catch up. She said Tonia is doing much better but her left eye is still very swollen.

Wyatt and Sarah at the little slide.
Clouds and mountains at the pool.
Millie (she’s seven now!) heading to the dive.

Autmn sent me pictures of Cameron, and Sherree sent me pictures of moving Christina into Point Park yesterday. I will cover those tomorrow!

Chrissy’s dorm room – preview!

My blessing to day was getting out in the fresh air and visiting with so many nice people!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text

TOMORROW August 19th is:

National Aviation Day; August Moon Festival; National Don’t Mow Day; Discovery Day; International Bow Day; International Orangutan Day; National Photography Day; National Potato Day; National Soft Ice Cream Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Ivy Day; Tomorrow – The moon is good, potatoes and ice cream are yummy – and take some pictures! God bless…

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August 17, 2024

Today is Karen Walker Ober’s birthday (Skunk Hollow Cousin). Sending a huge birthday wish to Karen out in Mt. Joy, PA! Love you!

Karen being an ELF!!!

I didn’t sleep last night and I’m still coughing, but since this is a measured med pack I’ve only taken 3 pills. I’m hoping by tomorrow evening I’ll notice a difference. My list was very small today, and I got everything done but making cookies. Maybe tomorrow for that. I had planned on going to the church picnic at Twin Lakes but since it’s to rain and be wet all day that seems like an unwise way to spend a day, being outside in the dampness with a cough.

Twin Lakes Pavilion 5
Twin Lakes Pavilion 5

I did normal sheets and laundry and breakfast and lunch. I did take about 20 minutes to go to Dollar Tree and purchase get well cards. I want to send one to Tonia, and one to my dear friend Patty Buschek who is in the hospital, and also to my Bear. He called me this morning and he is having surgery on August 26th – he has cancer on his tongue. He’ll have the tumor removed, then have radiation and chemo. So he has a road ahead of him, too. I’m lifting these special, dear people up in prayer, and thankful He has them in His hands! Love you guys!

Tonia with Jesse
Patty and Me
Me with Bear.

After I got the cards I dropped a loaf of bread off at Kathy’s house – they weren’t home. They stopped to see Tonia and then went to a play in Pittsburgh that was scheduled since early summer.

Loaf of ‘love’.

I heard thunder and expected it to rain. Despite the darker clouds it has not yet rained. I took a few pictures of blooming flowers.

Clouds rolling in.
Roses on the hill
Rose of Sharon

My blessing today – Flower power!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text

TOMORROW August 18th is:

Bad Poetry Day; Green Man Festival Day; National Ivy Day; National Ice Cream Pie Day; National Mail Order Catalog Day; Never Give Up Day; Serendipity Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Clouds Day. Tomorrow- DON’T write bad poetry, or even read it. Ice Cream in any form is a good idea, and of course, NEVER give up! God bless… (And remember to pray for Tonia, Patty, and Bear)

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August 16, 2024

Ahhh man. I am a crazy cough-er. I did get meds from the doctor, but it’s one of those packs that you start before breakfast and take so many a day until they are gone. So since I just got them (6pm) I have to start them in the morning. So I am taking Tylenol and cough meds and lots of water. Hoping I can get some sleep tonight, and I can get this under control by Monday.

Premeditated meds….

I mixed up bread first thing – thinking of Tonia. At Christmas she gave me pointers on why my tried and true (Grama Crooks’ recipe) loaves didn’t turn out. I followed her advise and the loaves are rising nicely in their pans. I will bake them when I’m done here.

Looks right to me!

After lunch I met Kelly’s family in Youngwood and picked up some paperwork that I have to help Matt with. Then I went to Mt Pleasant Walmart, but still didn’t find the specific item I was looking for. I’m officially giving up! Then I picked up my prescription. When I got home Mary was waiting here to pick something up I had for her. We had a nice – but short – visit. She was heading home after work!

View from the deck

I also finished attaching the roof to Puppers dog house. It looks nice and I think it will stay secure.

I will do the ironing, bake the bread, and be done for the day. Tomorrow should be a slow day – Just normal Saturday chores and maybe a little writing.

Ready to bake.

My blessing today was a doctor who trusted my symptoms and ordered my prescription without an in-office visit!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text

TOMORROW August 17th is:

Baby Boomers Recognition Day; Black Cat Appreciation Day; National I Love My Feet Day; International Homeless Animals day; National Nonprofit Day; National Thrift Shop Day; World Honey Bee Day; National Pineapple Juice Day; National Cloud Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was Eat Slow Day. Tomorrow — Baby Boomers! Black Cats are ok, and I like my feet and also like thrift shopping. And clouds! God bless…

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August 15, 2024

First, if you have been following Tonia’s health journey this past month, you know that her surgery was scheduled – and indeed did take place – today. It was to begin at 7am, and was expected to be long and delicate. Jesse posted about 7pm that the surgery was complete, the doctor was very pleased, and Tonia was settled in a room in ICU to be monitored for 24 hours. Our prayers of thanks are now lifting, and continue prayers and support as they start through the healing and recovery process. God is good!

No photo description available.
Tonia with her mom.

I worked at both Pinnacle stores, then had to help Mike P. with several deals and a dealer title. The guys in the next office needed my help with title work for a work van. After that I stopped to put gas in the Chevy, then picked up a few things from Diane. While I was there I got a txt from Logan – he passed his driver’s test the first time! Now that is four grandchildren out of five who are licensed drivers. The only one left is Chase, who has about 11 months until he’s 16! Congrats to Logan. Great job, Buddy!

Look out – Here he comes!

After lunch I worked on the dog house for our puppy kissing booth at the Flax Festival next month. I still have to figure out how to attach the roof!

Pupper’s doghouse.

I did figure out how to attach purple paint to my entire right arm. I have white paint on my fingers that wouldn’t come off, but didn’t even try to get the purple off!

Painting my arm purple!

I think that’s all the excitement for my day. I’m so glad I have tomorrow off, and can work on a few at-home projects. I do believe we’re looking at several rainy days coming up!

Will it rain? Will it NOT rain?

My blessing today was getting the doghouse done!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW August 16th is:

Hawaiian Shirt Day; National Airborne Day; Koolaid Day; National Eat Slow day; National Roller Coaster Day; National Rum Day; National Tell a Joke Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Hat Day; Tomorrow let’s drink Koolaid (well, thinking back, maybe not!); Just tell a joke! God bless…

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August 14, 2024

TODAY is my cousin Allen’s birthday. So a big shout out of Happy Birthday to him – We were born the same year so we must be the same age! And the same age as Snoopy!

Allen and Bonnie

I cleaned and did laundry, then managed to mow the grass. And that is the total extent of my day. So this is just a short post and hopefully tomorrow will be more exciting!

Grass done for another 4 days!

My blessing today was accomplishing my chores!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW August 15th is:

Chant at the Moon Day; Check the Chip Day; National Lemon Meringue Pie Day; National Hat Day; National No Sponge Bob Day; National Relaxation Day; World Greatness Day; National Leathercraft Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Pine Day. Tomorrow -Relax a little, chant at the moon, eat some pie, and be as great as you can! God bless…

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