Pittsburgh Arts Festival – 6/8/21

As I sit here and type, I hear thunder rumbling in the distance – and dark clouds are rolling past. I’m very thankful the storms waited until this evening to visit!

Again it was in a drizzle that I walked this morning, but it was comfortable and I enjoyed being out. I baked the scones that I mixed up the other night and had one warm right out of the oven for breakfast. Yum. I drove over to Teresa’s at 10am and from there we went to pick up her friends Janice and Darlene, and headed to the Pittsburgh Arts Festival. I have not been to downtown Pittsburgh for anything fun in probably a decade, and I’ve never been to the festival. I loved the tall buildings, the unique buildings, the artsy buildings. It got pretty warm but we walked around for over 3 hours looking at all the vendors.

Teresa, me, Janice, and Darlene in the back hiding!
Getting started
Colorful outside dining and ….
Rooftop dining.
Me in front of the fountain
Teresa in front of the fountain
Teresa has an ‘eye’ on things
Looking straight up
This tree is fake – the trunk, branches, flowers….
Close up of flower
One of the museums we went in had a laser light show – I took a picture of my shadow!

We went to the one strip along the river and I got pictures of the bridge, PNC park, and a beautiful mural painted on a building. It was not crowded and we took our time, checking out jewelry, baskets, pottery, art work — it was all very unique and fun! We ate lunch at The Oyster House in Market Square – another place I had never been. It was much more relaxing than I pictured it to be! We headed home a little after three, which gave me time to write this! It was a day off – much needed – and I do feel refreshed.

Building wall art
Bright yellow bridge
PNC Park across the river
Water under the bridges
The Oyster House

I will share Stephen Weiss’s message – he was the guest speaker at River Hill – Sheep. Sheep always need guided and rescued – they cannot exist without people. How can they not be extinct? WE are like sheep – we need a Shepherd! We need fellowship. We should see crises as opportunities to reach out – We shouldn’t be looking at the issues, but the individuals. Our job is to go from frightened sheep to shepherds. Seek the lost sheep and don’t wall yourself off from those who are different, hurting, lost. Don’t place people into categories – look for people who are lost and abused and be a shepherd.

Stephen Weiss

On this day in 1789 James Madison introduced a Bill of Rights to the US House of Representatives, and in 1942 Bing Crosby recorded Silent Night. Thomas Paine (early author) died at age 72 in 1809, and Andrew Jackson – 7th president – in 1845 at age 78. Birthdays: Frank Lloyd Wright in 1867; Barbara Bush in 1925, and Joan Rivers in 1933. My long-time neighbor and friend, Carole Johnson, is celebrating a birthday today. Happy, happy birthday, friend – and many more!

Voice of the American Revolution Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine – wrote ‘Common Sense’
May be an image of 3 people, including Carole George Johnson and people smiling
Carole and her husband Glenn

TOMORROW June 9th is:

Tomorrow morning early Kath and I will head north again to see John one last time as we celebrate his life. So glad that this man loved my mom and shared so much of his life with her. We’ll miss him! God bless….

John Graves Obituary (2021) - East Springfield, PA - Erie Times-News
Life well and fully lived
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