What a beautiful day to be outside — and we were, all day. Started at 9am when Peyton and Matt showed up with a small excavator. Peyton did a fabulous job digging out all the plants and roots and bushes. Then he leveled out the clumps while Matt put the roots and branches in Paul’s big truck bed. They raked it all smooth, spread topsoil, sprinkled grass seed, and covered it with seed blankets to keep the birds from eating the seeds. Kelly helped by putting Scott’s Weed and Seed into the spreader and did the whole yard! It’s like a whole new, fresh start for my little yard. We watered it down and now it’s ready for a good night’s sleep.

But in the meantime, Peyton had his truck there, and he, Logan and Matt put on a muffler and new exhaust pipes. Logan could actually sit straight up under it! They even cleaned everything up nice and tidy. Chase decided to wander around aimlessly with a box on his head – with Logan giving him directions so he wouldn’t run into things…

We had birthday celebrations for Chrissy and Logan – Wings, pizza, cake, brownies, chips/dip, French fries. They wanted a Minecraft cake, but the copyright wouldn’t let them – so I have no idea who these people are on the cake (YouTubers)! But we were all together and had a great time – and it was fun to see the kids laughing and talking and sharing. A mom’s/grandmom’s dream!

I will share Greg’s message from Vanderbilt – The Best Coffee. The word of God should percolate through us, filling us with renewed flavor, aroma, taste. We should GO TEACH! That’s the goal. Would you say and do or think what you do if Jesus was always RIGHT at your side? We need to bring our peers to Christ; if you seek me you will find me! Grass and flowers will fade away but the word of the Lord endures forever. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness – they will be filled. God so loved… that He gave. If you seek me you will find me.

On this day in 1810 Beethoven composed his famous ‘Fur Elise”. Birthdays: Samuel Morse – Morse Code – in 1791; Ulysses S Grand (18th president) in 1822; Casey Kasem (American Top 40) in 1932. Ferdinand Magellan (explorer) died in 1521 at age 50, and Ralph Waldo Emerson died in 1882 at age 78.

TOMORROW April 28th is:
- National Blueberry Pie Day
- National BraveHearts Day
- National Great Poetry Reading Day
- National Superhero Day
- Workers’ Memorial Day
- Denim Day –
Tomorrow we hope to have some fun – relax, go to my favorite little fleatique, just hang out. Matt is going to install my new modem! Have a happy day – God bless!
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