Today is Logan’s 14th birthday. He has grown into such a happy, helpful, amazing young man. We will celebrate on Tuesday when they are here. Happy birthday Logan!

Kath called and invited me to ride with them to Lapp’s market – we had never been there. She got her local honey and I got block chocolate for my pretzels – that will be a project for later. FedEX dropped a big box on my front porch – exhaust pipes for Peyton’s truck that he ordered. I think they weighed 400 pounds. I managed to scootch them down to the garage. They can wait there for him! After lunch I went outside to work some on cleaning out the plants and stones. I came in when it started to rain.

I made cinnamon rolls for the kids and iced them before I went outside. Kelly txt me about the mock trial their co-op did with the older students. There were defense and prosecuting attorneys, the ‘good guy’ and the ‘bad guy’ (???), witnesses, etc. Peyton was the attorney for the defense, and made the closing argument. He won his case! He did an amazing job! One thing he said for sure: He absolutely does NOT want to be a lawyer! I had ordered a new phone case – the one I bought last May broke already. This one has a life-time guarantee!!!

I will share Scott’s message from First Baptist: The Lord Takes us Fishing. Jesus teaches us to be fishers of men, as he did his early disciples. The first thing we realize is the emptiness of going alone. The disciples went fishing without Jesus and didn’t catch anything. Jesus appeared, and gave them instructions, and they caught a bountiful supply! We are just the same way. We know what to do, but just because we do it time after time doesn’t mean we’ll bear fruit. We need Jesus to be successful. He will instruct and gives us power. The abundance comes from being with Christ. When we join with Jesus, we reap abundance of fruit; not our power, but His. He gives us the hope of a new beginning. Our life is a journey of sanctification; our WHOLE life. When we are sorry for our shortcomings and repent, he will restore us. Wherever we go to do God’s work, He’s already there. Take him seriously. We are not alone; He is there!

On this day in 1833 Jacob Evert and George Dulty patented the first soda fountain; in 1888 Eastman Kodak was founded by George Eastman; and in 1969 Paul McCartney said there was no truth to the rumors that he was dead. Hmmm. Lucy Maud Montgomery died at age 70 in 1942 (author of Anne of Green Gables books); Bud Abbot (Abbot and Costello fame) died at age 78 in 1974, and Wallis Simpson (Duchess of Windsor) died in 1986 at age 89. Estee Lauder (cosmetics) died at age 97 in 2004. Barbara Streisand was born in 1942 and Kelly Clarkson in 1982. And of course our Logan is celebrating today! Happy, happy birthday to Logan! Can’t wait to see you on Tuesday! Love you!

TOMORROW April 25th is:
- National DNA Day
- National East Meets West Day
- National Hug a Plumber Day
- National Telephone Day
- National Zucchini Bread Day
- National Pet Parents Day –
I don’t know any plumbers – but I will use the telephone I’m sure. And I know a lot of Pet Parents, although I’m not one of them. And tomorrow is 8 months til Christmas Day! So celebrate THAT! God bless…

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