Wednesday August 13, 2014

Tomato 8-14Vegetables do not like to grow for me.  For some reason, it takes an entire growing season to get a tiny knob of a tomato to even show up, and generally it doesn’t get much better than that.  I planted two tomato plants back in April or May; I fed/watered the little buggers and still almost nothing.  Don’t know what’s up with that.

HOWEVER…. When it comes to flowers, I can excel.  They bloom and grow and spread and sometimes even get a little wild and crazy.  I have morning glories popping up all over the place – seldom where I planted them, though.  I plant purple; they come up pink.  I plant pink, they come up white.  What’s THAT about?DSCN4713

But there’s almost no place I would rather be than outside, digging and planting and weeding and trimming and fixing and pruning.  Than I just like to walk around and look at all the little flower friends and feel the joy and beauty given in each plant.  My grandma Crooks, my mother, my friend Gen – – all have the ‘touch’ for gardening.  I was concerned for several years that it passed me by.  I may not have ALL the genes, but I received enough to appreciate and enjoy.  Bloom, little friends!  BLOOM!Flowers 8-14

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