Monday August 11, 2014

bracelet.1 8-14On Saturday, Ron and I met Aunt Darlene (Ron’s aunt and my unofficial ‘publicist!) and Uncle Bud at New City Buffet for lunch.  She asked me how many books I thought I had sold, and we discussed that. 

Next thing I know, she plopped a box in front of me, and said, ‘This is in honor of selling 100 books!’  And there was this copper colored bracelet, with a charm that stated ‘Let Creativity Rule.’

I was very touched and honored that she would be so excited about the book and about its success.  She has been my champion since even BEFORE she knew me!  So I have added Aunt Darlene to my list of loyal fans, along with Mom/John, my favorite sister Kathy, my Skunk Hollow cousin Susan, and Ron. Plus countless others!

Thank you all for your support and for sharing in this adventure with me!  I could not begin to name all of you!  bracelet.1 8-14

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One comment on “Monday August 11, 2014
  1. Ron says:

    On behalf of your family, friends, and readers in The Marge Burke Fan Club, I would just like to say that we are very proud of you, and happy for you.
    Blessings and best wishes to you as the adventure continues.

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