St. Patrick’s Day 2025

Actually it didn’t seem like St. Patrick’s day for me today. We had a little bit of that celebration on Saturday, then again on Sunday at the potluck. There was lots of food Sunday, and some trivia and a few jokes. The weather got pretty nasty so most people (including me) slipped out a little early. I was glad I did, as the wind was terrific and the rain was a downpour.

Potluck = playing trivia

Todd’s message was ‘Struggles that Strengthen’. – Basically he talked about kindness. I took a ton of notes, but I’ll just share a few. There is a kindness void these days – don’t withhold kindness. The most prevalent places to see the opposite of kindness is Social Media, Customer Service rudeness, Family neglect, no compassion to strangers, and political and social Divisiveness. In showing kindness you reflect Christ. People are actually starved for kindness. Try to do at least one act of kindness every week!

The surprise at the service was that my great nephew Isaac (Jesse and Tonia’s son) filled in at the piano for worship time! I didn’t even know he could play anything but drums. He was amazing – I was happy and proud of him. His drum teacher, Dr. Booker, has been teaching him extras. Way to go, Isaac!

Isaac at the Keyboard

By the time I got home and finished organizing everything from Saturday, the sun was shining and the storm had completely calmed down. It was almost like Jesus said PEACE, BE STILL!!! I loaded the car up with things I promised to drop off for Kathy and headed over there. We talked through the door for a few minutes. I was glad she is feeling better!

Items for Haiti.

Kelly sent me a video – Logan and Craig were at a hockey game again at West Banco Arena. They and two of their friends were on the ice to play a ring toss game. Looked like they really had fun.

It was Faith and Family night.

This morning after breakfast the horses were out in the field across the street. I stood and watched for a few minutes, then they kicked up their hills and trotted off across the pasture.

neighboring horses.

I made a batch of cinnamon muffins for breakfast, then I started on the shower curtain project in the laundry room. It looks so different that I’m still trying to make up my mind. I may still have to adjust the length of one of the curtains. I’ll decide after I see it for a few days.

The curtain behind the little freezer is what I’m still deciding on.
I think the room looks bigger.
Actual shower curtain – and I’m testing out the darker rug.

I also changed the outside flags a few hours early. Sort of spring ones up now. I also switched out the blankets for spring, even though it’s a few days early. I don’t think anyone will be too distressed. Changed out the green lights on the bookcase for multi-colored.

Spring blankets
Couch blanket and pillow covers.


2 Tim 4:17 Bible Verse Wallpaper


May be a doodle of text that says 'Happy St. Patrick' Day! イー F ©PNTS'

TOMORROW March 18th is:

National Awkward Moments Day; Forgive Mom and Dad Day ???; Global Recycling day; National 3-D Day; National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day; National Sloppy Joe Day; Tea for Two Tuesday; World Social Work Day; National AG Day.

I don’t think I have anything to forgive M&D for! I’ll have tea tomorrow- but probably for one! God bless…

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