March 16, 2025

I’ve been trying to access my website for almost an hour. Finally got in! I will use today’s post for yesterday’s Skunk Hollow Women’s Fest. Everything else will be covered in the next few days, including Todd’s message from this morning and our potluck lunch afterwards.

Happy skunk cartoon Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStock

As I sit here I think I am hearing thunder. I thought we were done with that for the day! Anyway, yesterday I started the morning putting the final touches on things. I put the trash can in the garage, clean rugs on the floor, and brought serving bowls and utensils downstairs. I needed to put the shredded cheese and lettuce in sealed bowls, and chop the tomatoes. I defrosted the already cooked shredded chicken, put it in the crockpot, and added seasonings. Once it was simmering I went on to the next chore.

Just getting started.

The ground beef needed cooked, which I did, then seasoned it and stuck it in the smaller crockpot. Once they were both simmering nicely I put them downstairs on the table with extension cords. I made iced tea, lemonade, and took that down with an ice bucket and cups.

Where’s the beef?

I had just finished with all the food issues when Connie and Gail pulled in. I was so excited they were early! We got their food set out and they got comfortable in the family room. Both Karens, Holly and Beth came next, and Gwen came shortly after. Colleen could not make it due to a construction ’emergency’ (aren’t they all???) and Kathy, of course, couldn’t come due to illness. But the 8 of us picked up the gauntlet and had a great time on behalf of the whole group.

Karen V, Beth, Holly
Gail, Connie, Karen O (If you look closely you can see Kathy’s picture on the bookcase!)

We spend EIGHT HOURS chatting – and we covered everything from health, and spouses (or lack thereof!), Children and grandchildren, houses, jobs (or lack thereof!), travel, future events for the SHW girls, food choices, missions, porches, fresh air, summer, shopping (especially TJ MAXX — ask Holly and Connie!) — I can’t even remember everything. We ate all afternoon. Once we had eaten the tacos and side dishes, we waited an hour an had dessert. We took a short break and had snacks, then more tacos, then chips and dip, finished a bag of pretzels and half the M&M’s, looked at pictures, passed around videos on our phones, played a fun game, and eventually got around to missing our parents. (Except Gwen – UC and AJ are very much thriving!)

Karen V and Beth
Holly and Connie – the TJ MAXX girls!
Gail (our matriarch) and Karen O
The whole gang –
Karen V’s legs, Beth, Holly, Gail, Connie, Karen O, Gwen

Our mission for this event was to all pitch in together and make New Mother Kits for the women in Haiti. There were specific items that are desperately needed, and as always when there’s a need the SHW pitch in. And they didn’t disappoint. What a blessing for these new mothers and sweet babies!

They really came through!

Karen O gifted me (as hostess) with a box of Cats Claw tea, which I am anxious to try! I shared a few with Kathy, as its purpose is to strengthen the immune system (among other things). She also gave me a beautifully painted butterfly stone. Beth gave me a beautiful candle set that has glowing bulbs! Sweet girls!

Butterfly stone
Candle set.

The girls were so gracious and helped carry leftovers upstairs, and once everyone had headed back toward HOME, I put the food away and cleaned up the family room. It was such as wonderful day, and we all connect is such a special way that I can’t imagine ever not getting together like that. We already have suggestions for the next four events! I’m ready! Reaching out with love and hugs to my ‘girls’!!! Love you all.

Front: Gail, Karen
Back: Me, Holly, Beth, Karen V, Connie, Gwen.


Friendship Bible Verses Photos, Images & Pictures | Shutterstock
(and cousin!)


TOMORROW March 17th is:

Act Happy Day; Camp Fire Girls Day; Doctor Patient Trust Day; Evacuation Day; National Corn Beef and Cabbage Day; St. Patrick’s Day.

March 17th is the anniversary of St. Patrick’s death rather than his birth. Did you know the shamrock stands for the trinity, or for faith, hope and love. I don’t have to act happy when I actually AM! God bless..

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