Took a refreshing walk this morning and was glad to be outside for a while. It was cool and sunny. After work I stopped and got my hair trimmed. I wanted to have Dianne do it again, but she is having eyelid surgery and will be out of commission for a bit. So I just got a little trimmed off, and will go back to Dianne for the holiday cut! Stopped at the post office to mail Byron’s packet of photos and buy stamps, then got gas in the car. Then after a bowl of soup I cut the grass. Also trimmed my toenails and changed the paint color. I like them but I think I liked the blue better.

I had one box of photos that I forgot about – not a big one – so I got that sorted out and all the photos put away for now. Then I got the purple paint out and did the drain vents up front, then the large star for on my porch, and the small wagon I brought back from Mom’s. The wagon may need another coat but no more painting until the shutters and doors are finished.

Memory page October 9th: What was your most prized possession as a child? “My little “Bank” that looked like a dome trunk. It had a key that would open a small door so we could shake the dimes, pennies & nickles out & count how much we had saved.”

On this day in 1951 The Red Skelton Show premiered, and would run for 20 years (We LOVED that show!!). The last episode of the Howdy Doody Show aired in 1960, when the otherwise mute Clarabell said, “Goodbye, Kids”. Also in `1960 the Flintstones premiered. In 1961 the bill for the Boston Tea Party was paid by an Oregon mayor – $196.00, the cost of the tea. The New American Bible was published in 1970; Cheers debuted in 1982, and Murder She Wrote in 1984. Edith Roosevelt (First Lady) died at age 87 in 1948; James Dean died in a car crash at age 24 in 1955; and Edgar Bergen (Ventriloquist for Mortimer Snerd) died in 1978 at age 75. My step-granddaughter Angela Steele has a birthday today. Happy birthday, Angela! Hope you had a wonderful day!

TOMORROW October 1st is:
- National Black Dog Day
- National Hair Day
- Fire Pup Day
- National Homemade Cookies Day
- National Manufacturing Day
- National Body Language Day
- World Smile Day
Tomorrow is our Skunk Hollow bonfire at Beth’s. It’s also the day I have to change out the Snoopy calendar. As for National Hair Day, I guess I was a day early! Have a great weekend – God Bless!
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