It feels like so long since I’ve taken a nice morning walk – but I did today. Cool and sunny, and it felt refreshing.
Work was not super busy, so I was home in good time. Nate was painting the trim on the shed, then taped up the shutters and started the first coat. I sat on the deck in the sun and went through a bunch more boxes of photos. So many duplicates! It’s sad that there is no one to share them with. I had piles for 3 Skunk Hollow families, my cousin Deb, Byron, Kath, and then me. Plus the really old photos. Found this cute picture of Nate playing the drums. Priceless!

As promised, here are a few photos from the other events of the weekend. First, Autmn’s first Steeler game. I know they lost, but the three of them still had a great time! There’s something about that first game at the stadium…

Mary sent me the photos from Friday. The presentation went really well, and those that attended had a great time. They were very interested in the details, and asked some interesting questions. Seemed that everyone enjoyed looking at the books and letters and photos. I even sold a book – Gery said he would read it then donate it to the Senior library! Double win! I think we all had a really nice hour.

Copies of the letters
A quote from the book: April 2nd. Tell about a practical joke or prank someone played on you. “Uncle Edd had a wooden snake. He would hide it where he knew I would see it & think it was a real snake. I would always yell & sometimes throw the snake as far as I could when I knew it wasn’t a real snake.”

On this day in 1779 John Adams negotiated Revolutionary war peace terms with Great Britain. In 1908 Henry Ford’s first model T left the plant in Detroit. In 1954 The Tonight Show premiered with Steve Allen as host. Samuel Adams (Boston Tea Party) born in 1772, and actress Gwyneth Paltro was born in 1972. Hugh Hefner (Playboy) died at age 91 in 2017, and Donald O’Conner (Singin’ in the Rain) in 2003 at age 78.

TOMORROW September 28 is:
- National Drink Beer Day
- National Good Neighbor Day
- National Strawberry Cream Pie Day
- National North Carolina Day
- National Voter Registration Day
Make tomorrow a terrific Tuesday! Be a blessing to someone. God bless!
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