September 18, 2024

I made a point of getting up early this morning so I was completely ready for the tree guys. I wasn’t sure what time they would get here and didn’t want to be in the shower! They arrived about 9:20am and were quick to get set up.

Getting set up

I was really trying to clean, but kept being drawn to the window to watch the branches fall. There was one guy in the bucket cutting the branches, and the others were feeding the branches into the shredder. I told them I wanted the trees to be nude and they did it! He said when he left he’d see me in 5-7 years! They did a good job cleaning up, raking and blowing the yard, street and driveways clean.

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Going up!
First cut
Dragging branches
Branches in the shredder
All done
Looks so bare!
I have a clear view!

They even cut the old cherry tree stump in the bottom yard down to dirt level for me!

Stump is gone

After they left, I went out and straightened up the decorative stones that lined the trees and made them neat, and put the little sheep, etc, back around the base. Ironically, it was cloudy but dry while they were here – about half hour after they left it started to rain, and rained all afternoon. About 6pm or so it cleared up and we even got a little sun! I got the rest of the house cleaned and laundry done and this is my last major chore for the day.

Evening sky

Autmn just sent me a picture of Cameron eating pizza. Sitting in the kitchen sink!!! How cute is THAT??

Cameron eating pizza in the sink!

And here is a sliver of the Harvest moon – big and bright!

Harvest moon

My blessing today was having the trees done and that all were safe!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW September 19th is:

National Butterscotch Pudding Day; National Cat DNA Day; National Meow Like A Pirate Day; National Pawpaw Day; National Woman Road Warrior Day; Talk Like a Pirate Day; National Sunflower Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Weather Vane Day. Nothing too much to get excited about for tomorrow, unless you like pirates. Oh – and Nathan loves butterscotch pudding pie! Celebrate that! God bless…

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