September 17, 2024

Started out this morning talking to my cousin John. He’s looking at a classic car at a dealer in Ohio, and needed some information about title and registration. We talked about half an hour – and he got the information that he needed. Then I got a message from my niece who was having problems with a license plate. So today was family day!

Classic car….

I had to stop at the bank and at Dollar Tree on the way home. I got home just in time to make a good salad for lunch, then spent about half an hour clearing the weeds off the risers of the back steps. Looks nice now. It’s a much cooler day today! I came inside and read about a dozen Flash Fiction stories. For some reason this last cluster of stories were much better written than the first ones I read.

Cleaned the risers and the plants on the outside. Then blew it all clean.

So back to the Flax festival – Here is Sunday’s recap. Kelly and I went up early enough to attend the worship service. There were four worship songs, then a group reading of the 23rd Psalm, then special music by Wayne Shaffer. The pastor, Vickie Lynch, spoke on Christ, the Hope of the World. The base of the message was that God’s Word is not to chastise, but to draw us closer. And that is good news! There were two more praise songs to close out the service.

Wayne on the left; Vickie on the right
What a beautiful setting for worship – under a canopy of trees!

Kelly and I set up our booth again, and we were again busy all day. The weaving and the puppy kisses were very popular, and when we spoke with Merilee later in the day we assured her we would include those activities next year. I already have the dates blocked in my 2025 calendar, and we even have some ideas about how to make things just different enough that it will draw the kids back.

Merilee (facing me) talking to her friends.
My friend Shirley talking to her friends (She’s the librarian in Ligonier).
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Join or Die – strong motivation!!!
Looks like Puppers is trying to nibble the kisses!

We packed leftover pizza for our lunch and used our food coupons for a funnel cake and Kelly’s milkshake. I didn’t even need supper as that was enough food for the whole day! We got permission to take pictures of a few of the kids with their projects.

I told him it looked like a giant blue cinnamon roll!
Working diligently…
Leaf tree
Halloween picture….
The picture is of a little boy jumping in a pile of leaves!
Day two of the very popular tic-tac-toe!

Kelly left as soon as we got home. She had been away all weekend and if you use your imagination you can picture what she was going home to, with four guys in charge of the house! I did absolutely nothing else once I got settled inside – because once the new week starts there’s not much down time!

One of our little artists drew this picture as a thank you for Kelly!

My blessing today was being able to help my family navigate the treacherous waters of PENNDOT!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW September 18th is:

Chiropractor Founder’s Day; Hug a Greeting Card Writer Day; National Weather Vane Day; International Equal Pay Day; Locate An Old Friend Day; National Cheeseburger Day; National First Love day; National Respect Day; National School Backpack Awareness Day; Purple Bra Day; Read An eBook Day; Rice Krispie Treat Day; U.S. Air Force Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Ink Day. Tomorrow – read an eBook. Don’t think I’ll do the first love thing. Nope. I never had a purple bra. It would be really cool if you could locate an old friend! God bless…

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