Beth brought me a surprise this morning! I hung my little wooden ‘cousin’ heart below our group picture. She also brought a few old photos of mom’s family, back in the day. And yardage of St. Patrick’s Day and Valentine’s Day Snoopy material. So that was a lovely gift! She and I left here at about 7:45am. No traffic, smooth sailing. We were the first ones at the farm – opened things up and got started on our projects. Beth was determined to go to the attic, and Dick eventually went up to help. Barb and I made some trips downstairs – to the dumpster and to sort the mess from the boxes. We found a lot of treasures, but there were seriously unredeemable Christmas decorations, etc, up there that got tossed.

Beth found a few things that spoke to her tender heart, and along with what Kath wanted and my little box and the typewriter stand, my car was full to overflowing on the way home.

As our Skunk Hollow Mr. Fresh seems to have gone underground, we captured and transported his grandfather, Grampa Fresh, back to Greensburg to officially be our mascot. I’m going to give him a good bath (he was in the attic with the mice and the bats!) and take him to the bonfire on October 1st. He’s excited to be part of the group, and quite frankly, he’ll be a better fit for our group. Mr. Fresh was a bit too ‘fresh’ for us!

Nate got the rest of the gray on the shed painted, so the next step will be the purple trim. I am choosing dark plum! It’s dark, but I’m determined.

We hit a traffic tie-up on the return trip; we sat in traffic for a long time. But we still made good time, including a quick run through the drive-through at McDonalds for our traditional milkshakes. Yum. Great reward for a job well done.

A quick quote out of the memory book: June 7th – What food did you learn to cook or prepare first as a youth. “I remember learning to fry eggs first. We were baking cakes & cookies at age 10.” I have the small frying pan that Mom learned to make eggs in hanging on my kitchen wall!

On this day in 1787 the US Constitution was signed by delegates at the Philadelphia Convention; in 1916 WWI Flying Ace the Red Baron of German Luftstreitkräfte won his first aerial combat (Was it against SNOOPY???). In 1954 “Lord of the Flies” (William Golding) was published; in 1961 ‘Car 54 Where Are You?’ debuted; in 1964 BEWITCHED premiered, in 1965 HOGAN’S HEROES debuted, and M*A*S*H debuted in 1972. Red Skelton died at age 84 in 1997 (Kath and I used to sneak out of bed and crawl into the hall to listen to the show!). Hank Williams was born in 1923. Three friends are having birthdays! Greg Saldi – missionary to France – is celebrating; Ron’s brother Dennis Shafer has a birthday today, and Eleanor Morris – now in TN – is having a birthday. Happy birthday to all of you – Sending blessings!

TOMORROW September 18th is:
- Air Force Birthday
- National Cheeseburger Day
- National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day
- National Dance Day
- National Gymnastics Day
- Boys’ and Girls’ Club Day for Kids
- Puppy Mill Awareness Day
- Responsible Dog Ownership Day
- National CleanUp Day
Puppy Mill Awareness Day – Tazz (my dog detective) wrote and stared in a story about puppy mills. He was an amazing pup! Maybe someday it will get published. In the meantime, tomorrow I will be at the Flax Festival all day – so drive up to Stahlstown if you can! God bless…
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