Saturday Sept 5, 2015

Crocus tea.3 9-15Well, we’re a little late this year.  The girls and I traditionally have our annual Crocus Tea when the crocuses pop up through the snow in the early spring or late winter.  This year, time got away from us, and before I knew it August was finished and we had not had our tea.

When Nate told me yesterday I would have both girls for the day, I knew it was now or never.  So without a word to anyone I buzzed over to Walmart last night and picked up all the goodies that are traditional to the event.  Then this afternoon, after I finished mowing the grass, we all three got a shower.  While they were in their rooms getting dressed, I slipped invitations under the doors – – Come to the kitchen and prepare for the 5th annual Crocus tea!

They love it, and when it’s unexpected, they love it even more!  We pulled out the lace tablecloth, all the good dishes from the China cupboard, the fancy silverware, and antique serving dishes. 

One of the favorites is the pre-shaped sugar cookies, and this year (since it’s NOT spring!) we settled for ghosts and pumpkins.  They added colored sugar to dress them up, and while they baked we cut cheese into small pieces, sliced leftover pizza into inch sized squares, filled the cut glass dishes with Kix cereal, Vienna Sausage bites, M&M’s, Ritz crackers, pineapple chunks, and Flip Pretzels.

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There were soft drinks in the stemware and iced water in the tea cups.  Then, it was time to change, and they knew the drill.  We had to dress up!  Included in the trappings were earrings, headbands, necklaces, bracelets, and even makeup.

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The only way to get Chrissy in a dress was to let her keep her shorts on underneath.

Chrissy had the prayer, and invited Jesus to join us because it was so special, and then we had a very prim and proper meal together.  They are polite and happy and thoughtful toward each other, and even help clean up the table when we’re finished.

And I hope that as long as I am able and the girls are willing, that we can have our Crocus tea every year, even if the Crocuses aren’t blooming, that we have Halloween cookies, and listen to Christmas music on CD’s!  I love you, girls!!!!Crocus tea.2 9-15


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