This will be a short, almost uninteresting post! I took an early walk, worked at both stores, stopped and grabbed a few groceries, then came home and cleaned the house. Washed a load of towels, removed a drop of purple paint from the siding above the garage door (undetected until this afternoon!), made two batches of potato soup (first one bombed), and mixed cinnamon roll dough to make tomorrow. Picked up a prescription at Walgreens, and now I’m waiting for Kelly, Logan and Chase. I’m done for the day! Hopefully I will have something more interesting to share tomorrow, having my family here!
Memory book – June 13th: If you were ever in a parade, tell about it. “When we had the horse & buggy we drove in a parade down main street. When Dusty, the horse got upset when the band got too loud in front of us your Dad jumped out and grabbed the halter & I pulled back on the lines so hard my hands had blisters. We turned off at the first side street. Very frightening experience.”

On this day in 1959 Pillow Talk (old favorite!) was released; in 1960 the TV series Route 66 premiered. In 2003 Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor of California. June Allyson (actress – I loved her voice!) was born in 1917. Edgar Allen Poe died mysteriously in Baltimore in 1849 at age 40. George Mason (Susan had a crush on him!! Really????) – an American statesman – died in 1792 at age 66.

TOMORROW October 8th is:
- International Off-Road Day *
- National Fluffernutter Day
- National Hero Day
- National Pierogi Day
- American Touch Tag Day
Tomorrow is Ft Ligonier Days – Kelly & I plan to go in the morning for a little while. I’ll just be glad to spend time with them! God bless…
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