I was at Hanna’s Town by 10am, and we set about getting the tables set and the kitchen ready for tomorrow’s Victorian Tea. I was getting ready to leave when I noticed Becky struggling with boxes and bags of artificial and cut flowers and decorations. Her friend Debbie couldn’t make it to help her decorate so I offered – although I’m not talented with that at all!

But she showed me what she wanted done, and we made short work of getting it all put together. We’ll put the finishing touches on tomorrow morning early before we start preparing the food.

I stopped at the bank on the way home, ate lunch, then spent the afternoon outside cutting dead stalks, pulling weeds, and raking leaves. It was nice to be outside! And it was a busy day.

Happy, happy birthday to my dear Uncle Clifford! Hope it was a wonderful day and that you celebrate many more! Love you!

October 21 – Do you have a story about standing up against odds for something you really believed in? “I believe we need to have our pets spayed or neutered. I said we would not have cats we couldn’t take care of. We found a good vet that was reasonable & we could afford.”

Calendar inspiration – We all carry a bounty of gifts & experiences to share with others. Be generous, take your time, and enjoy!

Quote –

Scripture –

Random Photo –

TOMORROW October 22nd is:
Ahhh. Make a dog’s day! THAT could make a difference. Put color into someone’s day, for sure – God bless!
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