October 20, 2022

I dressed for Hanna’s Town this morning, but first went to work at both stores. It was very cold so I bundled up in layers to keep warm. We were inside the Klingensmith house, which had limited heat, and we did keep the windows and doors shut. However, that didn’t really make it warm! But it did eliminate the wind and that helped a lot.

Klingensmith house in summer.
View of the second room
Same view using the flash

Today was a homeschool group, with about a dozen students plus parent/sponsors. They all really enjoyed both doing the tin punch and learning about the craft. Even the parents did a picture. One younger girl was so excited about it that she got her first picture done and almost finished a second one! It was a short day but very fulfilling. Since the sun was shining it made for good pictures, as well.

View of the town of Hanna’s Town from the driveway of the historic site
Another view…
Setting were Court is held in the summer
Ready for the student craft
The hearth with examples of tin punch items
View of the education center from the Klingensmith house
View out the front door
View out the back window

I stopped on the way home and put gas in the Buick, then stopped at Di’s for a few things. Then I stopped at Kathy’s to drop something off! By the time I got home it was 3pm and I was hungry. I made a sausage, egg, and croissant sandwich for lunch and it was very tasty!


Next, I went to the Irwin Dollar Tree and Walmart to purchase items for my children’s Christmas Shoebox. I’ve never done one and had a hard time choosing. I probably did buy more than I needed to, but I think my little girl will be happy about her gifts. The ‘main’ toy was a kitten that meowed and walked across the floor when you squeezed it’s tummy! I like it, so I’m pretty sure she will too!

Shoebox – clear full…

Oh – and I noticed that Walmart had a new greeter…

October 20 – Share a favorite fall memory. “For years we always tried to drive to the mountains. Your father liked Bedford & Myersdale. That is still my favorite time of the year. This year, 2005, was beautiful & a nice long fall season. We have gum trees, which are very beautiful early in the fall.” I know mom loved the fall season, fall colors, and all the wonderful memories!

Calendar inspiration is from Peanuts today – and in honor of that I stopped at the Post Office and purchased 2 sheets of Peanuts stamps!


Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

Me, friend Gen and the cabin puppies!

TOMORROW October 21st is :

Mom used to call her cousin Hazel Brown ‘which Hazel’ because she had a sister Hazel too! And speaking of reptiles – we found a snake skin in the corner at the Klingensmith house! I’m really glad it wasn’t ‘occupied’! God bless…

Snake skin
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