Had a rough start getting to sleep, but then did sleep well except for a nightmare: I was trying to pull a snake off of a clothes tree in a hallway, and it turned around and bit me in the face. That’s one ‘dream’ I don’t want to relive! But I did fall back to sleep quickly and slept until the alarm. I hate snakes…
Jeannette store was light, and only a few titles in Greensburg. I felt it was a sign of comfort and encouragement when I pulled out onto Route 30 to see a rainbow!

I stopped at Craftique and got the special candle light bulbs that I use in my little electric candles. I don’t use the flicker ones for my nightlights so these are perfect. Craftique has tons of wonderful little unique items. Hard not to spend money there…

After stopping to put gas in the car, I came home, did a few things outside while the sun was shining, like pulling some dead plants and returning a few items to the shed. Then I decided to take a walk, but by the time I changed shoes and coats it was raining. So maybe later.

I met Mary, her mom Nancy, and friends Colleen and her husband Chris at Jioio’s for supper. Nancy had a burger and fries because she doesn’t like their pizza. The rest of us had pizza. Yum. There was enough left that we could all take a few pieces home for tomorrow or Saturday.

The sky was beautiful – like God took a paintbrush and just swirled some pink clouds around! I took two pictures, one was panoramic.

October 13 – Did you ever have any other strange animal in the house? “NO” My daughter had black snakes in their house – two days in a row. They moved… (Kelly moved, not the snakes!)

Calendar inspiration – Today take life at a slower pace and do one thing at a time. You’ll accomplish more!

Quote –

Scripture –

Random Photo –

TOMORROW October 14th is:
Tomorrow is hopefully Ft. Ligonier Days for me. One of the things I usually do is purchase another little hand-made cloth item for my fall display. One a year! So maybe I can add to my collection tomorrow. I won’t go if it rains, but don’t mind if it’s a bit chilly. Have a great day. God bless…

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