October 12, 2022

I took my shower last night after fighting with the mulch all afternoon, so after breakfast I got right to cleaning. Alternated dusting and sweeping and bathrooms/kitchen with reading current book (#3 in a series) until I got an email from Fiona Baker with an ARC copy. So I jumped into that. It’s a Christmas novel set in the mountains (refreshing after so many set at the beach!) and although a category romance I think I’ll enjoy being a first reader.

Book Cover
Current read

It was about 3pm when I finished everything, so I drove over to Lowe’s to get top soil and grass seed. Well, no top soil. So I went over to Home Depot, and even though they had to do a search and seize I got what I needed. At home I backed the car into the yard (being careful not to run over the Halloween projector!) and unloaded. Spreading the soil wasn’t as bad as I anticipated, and I used the yard spreader for the grass seed. What was left over I filled in some thin places in the side and bottom yard. Another task done!

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I wonder if I planted bluegrass – maybe music will grow!

The mailman (lady) came right as I was cleaning up, and my Amazon order came. It’s been 3 or 4 years since I bought a Peanuts page-a-day calendar that you rip off. I’m not wishing time to go fast, but I am excited for January first to start reading and ripping. Also got a movie – Love Strikes Twice. Seldom do I buy movies these days unless I’m really captivated by them, and with this one I was.

Bible Study tonight – The Case for Heaven – so I’ll grab food after that.

October 12 – Share a memory about a bat in the house. “The bats that live in our attic here on Crouch Road during the summer are not as plentiful as when I first moved here. I burn a light day and night and that has discouraged new families from taking up residence there. The old ones will return as long as they live. We don’t get very many in the upstairs or the rest of our main living area. I don’t like them but I am not afraid of them any more (2005).”

Calendar inspiration – We need to take advantage of opportunities to work together to accomplish great things

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

Teresa and Mom – Dan Rice Days 2005

TOMORROW October 13th is:

I think it’s to rain tomorrow so I will celebrate staying dry. Enjoy whatever you decide to celebrate and God bless…

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