November 1, 2022

I helped Rege with a problem deal this morning in Jeannette, then had to notarize a paper for Mike P’s business partner. From there I went to L&L just to browse, and saw several cute, different things!

A lot of venders were in the process of taking down Halloween items, but there were a few still up! Pirate pup!
Probably the nicest Santa I’ve ever seen.
Papa and Mama goose – with several extra outfits.
Never saw a blue Santa Snoopy!
We had an ice cream spoon like this when we were growing up.

Then I stopped at Giant Eagle for Cranberry Ginger Ale. I may need it to keep my stomach settled when I get home Thursday! The lane up the hill was lined with trees – and fallen leaves!

Tree lines lane
Thursday’s drink of choice

I had a piece of my meatloaf for lunch, then made Cream of Potato soup, also for Thursday. Since it was damp and cool I did not attempt to tackle the leaves. They will still be there when I’m ready to rake.

I know – you are tired of seeing pictures of potato soup!

I just kept putzying around doing little things all day. Nothing note-worthy. Maybe tomorrow!

This just in! Kath stopped and brought me a surgery present. I’ve never had a surgery present before. I love it, and I do, indeed, feel beyond blessed – love you, MY FAVORITE SISTER!

November 1 – Tell about how you first knew my father. “Your father used to stay with his Uncle Chester Brown who was married to my cousin Hazel Crooks. We knew each other as young kids. When he joined the army his Aunt Hazel Brown told me to write to him. I did & we became friends through our letters.

Calendar inspiration – We never know what lies ahead, so treasure the good relationships in your life.

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random photo –

These are precious treasured relationships!
Beth, me, Karen O, Gwen, Gail, Connie, Kath, Holly
Back: Susan, Colleen, Karen V

TOMORROW November 2nd is:

I’m not going to Ohio; too much traffic! There is a bit of stress scrambling around in my head right now but I’m trying to keep it under control. In the meantime I do like deviled eggs! Autmn and Logan LOVE them! God bless…

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