Halloween 2022

I guess I should admit right up front that it didn’t seem like Halloween. I usually love to take a walk through the neighborhood during Trick or Treat, but it was damp and cooler and too wet for me this year.

See the source image

It was a very gray, cloudy morning, but I noticed before I got in the shower that the sun was peeping through a hole in the clouds! It never really did come out today at all.

And after all that work yesterday raking and bagging leaves, today it looks like I never touched it. When I got home there were quite a number on the ground, but by late afternoon it was completely covered. Ugh. Pretty sure they won’t get done for a few weeks, now. They look sort of quaint out there so if the neighbors don’t mind I guess I can manage.

After work
Two hours later!

I had to stop at the bank on the way to Greensburg, and their fall decorations were really nice! And they also solved my issue…

I have been looking for an inexpensive button-down shirt with no collar to wear on Thursday – found one, very unexpectedly, at Burlington! They have some really good prices in that store but I seldom think about going there!

Hard to tell, but it’s black and white thin stripes

I managed to tuck myself away in my downstairs family room to avoid Trick or Treat. I usually pick one thing to spend candy money on: Trunk or Treat, or Trick or Treat. So I shut up the house, locked the doors, and turned off the lights upstairs. Then I finished laundry, did the ironing, ran the sweeper, went through the mail, checked emails, looked at a magazine, and paid a few bills – plus baked at meatloaf and had a slice!

I also took down the Halloween decorations (not the fall ones) and then added my Thanksgiving things. So that’s done, too.

GIVE THANKS tea towel and wooden plaque.
Turkey Mom made decades ago
Put the witch away and got the pilgrims out
Switched lights from purple to orange…

October 31 – Do you have a special Halloween memory? “We used to go out & throw corn at the windows of the neighbors. It was always chilly weather & we would run from farm house to farm house. It was fun to think we frightened these ‘old folks’.”

Calendar inspiration – courtesy of Peanuts

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

Celebrating mice — said no one, ever…

TOMORROW November 1st is:

Author’s day! Oh, yea! I’ll just celebrate that, and try to get some extra writing done. That sounds like a great way to spend a Tuesday! God bless…

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