My intention was to sleep in, but I really didn’t. Even though I had finished taking the decorations down last night (a little before 1am!), I still had things to do this morning. I did 2 loads of laundry and then packed away all the Christmas clothes – PJ’s, sweaters, leggings, socks, t-shirts, etc. That took a while to organize. I also had to gather up all the coasters (I won’t publicly admit to how many different ones I have…) and replace the Christmas ones with either winter ones or just every day ones. That was all done by noon. I grabbed a piece of leftover pizza then started cleaning.

Everything looks so nice, being clean. It also looks very plain and sparse, with all the lights and colors and glitter tucked away. I will miss my favorite pieces (Snoopy mugs, outdoor lighted reindeer, tree, etc), but after a while I’ll settle down. There’s always next year. And the house actually looks bigger! If it weren’t for the water issue in the basement, I would be perfectly content. Sigh.

I also got all the new calendars up, and changed the big Snoopy one. That takes a bit of time. There’s really not much going on in January (yet) except a routine doctor’s and dentist’s appointments, and Kelly and Autmn have birthdays. After the last 8 months, that’s fine with me!

We are starting over, in order this time. Some of the questions have already been posted last year. And some don’t give out much information. January 1st is What was your day and date of birth? ” Sunday July 20th 1930.” Mom and I were both born on a Sunday.

TOMORROW January 2 is:
- National Buffet Day
- National Cream Puff Day
- National Personal Trainer Awareness Day
- National Science Fiction Day
SHARING: Quote –

Scripture –
1 Corinthians 2:9, “But as it is written, What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has conceived–God has prepared these things for those who love him.”
Vacation destination –
Have a great day in the House of the Lord! God bless…
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