Museum Day!

Today was free museum day in Ligonier, and six museums were free to the public for the day.  When you entered the grounds of the first museum (ours was Compass Inn)A- Compass Inn 5-16 you received a ‘passport’.  Each time you went through one of the museums you got a stamp on your passport.

We started with the main house, and learned about the original stage coach stop.  Then we went to the out buildings, which included the kitchen, blacksmith shop, and the barns.  In the kitchens, we sampled journey cake and sweet breads hot out of the brick ovens.  Autmn got a tiny sword formed out of a nail, which we watched the blacksmith pound out.A COmpass Inn  5-16

This covered wagon was one of the first that traveled from Pittsburgh – through Bedford – to Philadelphia. We also got to see the little baby ducks, A Compass Inn 5-16which were light as a feather and cute as a ….baby duck!

We went from Compass Inn to Ft Ligonier, where Autmn was excited to see lots of things she’s studying about in school.  She had my camera phone and was snapping pictures all over the place!  We went to the Lincoln Highway Experience, where we watched a movie on Route 30, did rubbings of old license plates, and fed the goats (who seemed very appreciative).  After a stop at the Antique Mall, we had a very late lunch at KFC in Latrobe, then headed home. 

It was a very fun day, and I know Autmn enjoyed it as much as I did.  She was enthralled with the actual bear rug in the bedroom at the Inn, and was impressed with the artifacts at the fort.  I know we’ll take another day and go on some actual tours, and get more details of life in the 1700’s. 

A big thanks to LIGONIER for providing such a great day for Miss Autmn and me to share!




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