Garden 5-16So it’s that time of year again:  TIME TO PLAY IN THE DIRT!  This was a gift from a dear friend several years ago, and I do live by it.  I have spent the last several weeks in the gardens, in the yard, in the flowers.  Over the winter the leaves and dead stalks did their jobs to keep the shoots and bulbs warm under the winter snows, but it was time to clean it up.  Which I did!  That is a lot of work, and all the muscles in my body ache for days afterwards, but it’s a labor of love for sure.

I have my little tribute corner, by the little stone stepping path that Tazz always took to get to the upper yard.  He made such a mess in the mulch that I created a walkway of steps for him.  He’s been gone since 2007, but the steps are still there.  The kids and I use them to cut through, too.  I have the little statue as a tribute to Tazz – as if I really needed a reminder of what he meant to my household and my heart!Garden.2 5-16  There’s also my yard Snoopy and Woodstock, both purchased at the craft booths in Girard at Dan Rice Days.  And of course, the WEEDS FOR SALE – PICK YOUR OWN.  Honestly.  They’re free.  Help yourself…

Garden.3 5-16Most people use wooden planter boxes to PLANT.  I have a flower in mine, true — but I also have my Uncle Sam hat – a combined tribute to our country and to circus owner Dan Rice.  Look him up.  You’ll be surprised!

It wouldn’t be my deck if the flag did not reflect Colonial America in some way. Garden.1 5-16 My 1776 flag does the trick. 

There are plenty of blooms in the garden right now – lilacs, violets, azaleas – but there will be more to come.  Keep watching for the flower show in future posts!  But for today, the little odds and ends that live in my yard are the icing on the floral cake!  And I love them all!

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