Monday November 2nd 2015

Waterfall - mom's  10-15

Another wonderful visit with my parents!  It’s always nice to spend time in Albion, although it never seems to be quite enough time.  We arrived about 9pm and chatted a bit before bed, but Kath and I started our Saturday by taking our morning walk.  We went down toward the church, past the little waterfall.  It looked so pretty with the leaves covering the ground and floating on the water.

Solar dancers 10-15

As we ate breakfast at the kitchen table, we watched the dozen or so little solar dancers wiggle and sway on the window sill.  My favorite was the yellow duckie – he seemed to be very competitive and knew how to keep the joint movin’ and shakin’. 

Hats  10-15After breakfast we took recycling over to the local church, stopped at Boyce’s orchard for fresh cider, browsed through Thrifty Shopper, then came home to play Paul Bunyan.  John sawed the little thread of bark that was holding the tree to the stump, then Kath, John, and I dragged that fallen tree back to the woods.  Let me say that thing was HEAVY!!!  But we proved worthy, and the tree is no longer cluttering up the yard.

Lunch was a ham slice, boiled potatoes, cauliflower, pineapple chunks, sliced tomatoes, and homemade apple bars from the church’s bake sale.  Yum to everything!  We followed up lunch by going through mom’s jewelry – just pieces that had been her mom’s or John’s cousin’s.  It was fun to look through everything, at how unique and interesting each piece was.  We also found some old inserts from an ‘unmentionable’ item, that we wore with dignity and pride — for whatever silly reason!  Ha!

As always, it was very hard to say goodbye and head down Interstate 79, and even Fred, the new kitten, came to bid us farewell.  Fred 10-15It’s only goodbye until the next time, by which time there will probably be snow on the ground.  But spending time with our dear family is a treasure beyond anything else we do, so we’re already counting the days to the next trip.  See you then, Mom and John!

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