May 24, 2024

Wow it’s been a busy day, all day! I was still in my PJ’s – before my shower or breakfast – and had come downstairs to check emails and pay a bill. My doorbell rang (early for me!) and my neighbor asked if she could park in my extra spot. She was having a pest control company come, and her grass cut, and 2 stair lifts installed and didn’t want to be stuck in her garage with multiple vehicles blocking her in. I felt a little rumpled in appearance, but I was happy to have her park there! After all, I just did a super clean-up out there yesterday.

Nice clean spot for Karen to park her Buick

After breakfast I went to Dollar Tree – again – I needed a new sprig of flowers to put in the duck. The old ones were totally falling apart and faded. I then popped into Walmart for a few items. Since we are going out Home to plant flowers tomorrow I picked up a few packs of flowers, then got everything organized that we need to take. I left there and got gas in the Mazda and in the mower gas can.

Once I got home, I spread the new grass seed and watered the plot. I had to come in and turn the water value to open for the front outside spigot first. Then I washed a load of clothes which still needs ironed. I made a salad for lunch with garlic toast, then melted white chocolate to do pretzels to take tomorrow to AJ/UC. When that was done I mixed up muffins for breakfast next week.

Planted grass seed and put aluminum pans up to scare the birds away.
AJ can only eat white chocolate.
I added Chocolate Chips.

I watered Bunny and Ozzie and the new grass again about 6:30 when they were in the shade. I had to run back out to the store but it only took me a few minutes. The butterfly bush is getting different colored blooms – white and maybe pink and lilac in addition to the deep purple. The Rose Campion are finally blooming, too.

Various blooms
Rose Campion and Cat Mint
Purple blooms
Rose Campion
Not sure what this is but it’s growing like crazy. If it doesn’t bloom I’ll cut it down or dig it up.

I’m listening to LOVE STRIKES TWICE on the Hallmark Channel – it’s cute and funny and has a lot of unexpected twists and clever lines. When I’m done here I think I’ll iron then grab supper.

My blessing for today was the beauty of the day, and accomplishing the chores on my list!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text that says 'I HOPE.YOU Υου HAD AS ΝΙΣ A DAY AS ASIDID I DID Mow 9 wish you a GOOD NIGHT HAVE WONDERFUL DREAMS Until tomorrow Park'

TOMORROW May 25th is:

National Bath Bomb Day; National Brown Bag it Day; National Italian Beef Day; National Sing Out Day; National Tap Dance day; National Wig Out Day; National Wine Day; Towel Day; National Children’s Gardening Day; National Bulletin Board Recognition Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Ivy Day. Tomorrow we are brown-bagging it to Smicksburg – I doubt we’ll sing or dance. There may be a towel involved in our planting and gardening although I doubt the children will be joining us. And tomorrow is 7 months until Christmas Day. Celebrate, and God Bless…

History of Christmas Trees - Symbolism, Traditions & Trivia ...
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