Today was very cool, but sunny in the morning. Barry took my clank-y noisy car to have the tire fixed and gave me a different Nissan to drive for a day or two. It’s too big for the garage, so I’m glad it’s not winter. But it’s a super nice car. I pulled into Shop & Save after work and some guy says, ‘That’s a pretty sharp Cadillac!’ I said it’s not a Cadillac it’s a Nissan. He laughed.

After lunch I went outside and took my time weed-whacking the entire yard, then blew everything clean. Sometimes it’s hard to mow and weed-whack in the same day. Snapped a few more garden photos just for fun. It’s cooler today, so I came in and had a cup of tea. Now it’s time for a DIFFERENT garden!

I’m going over to help Kathy shortly so this is short today. Taking pictures of stacks of boxes is not necessarily exciting to share!

May 23 – Tell of someone you envied and why. “I wanted to be able to go on trips. I think I envied my older cousin, Dora, when she went to college.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Ithica NY. Gen met her two sisters there to attend a concert and spend time together. The picture yesterday was Cornell University’s Botanical Gardens. When I looked it up there were several interesting things to do there!

Calendar Inspiration – Let some ‘fresh air’ into your life by trying something new. Grow!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW May 24th is:
- Brother’s Day
- National Aviation Maintenance Technician Day
- National Escargot Day
- National Scavenger Hunt Day
- National Wyoming Day
- National Yucatan Shrimp Day
There was a scavenger hunt option in Ithica, if you noticed. I don’t have a brother. So — I’ll just celebrate typing! Happy Tomorrow. God bless…
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