Despite predictions, this morning was sunny and bright. Just right to snap a few pictures of my gardens before church!

thyme (front)

Our Sunday school lesson was about sharing and helping. The kids made pictures of hands reaching out to help each other.

During praise time at church, I looked around and noticed that the generation of saints ahead of me were mostly sitting down. It gave a little twang to my heart, to think of these sweet people who led and taught and mentored me, and how they are marching forward to their reward. But they are our great cloud of witnesses! I’m thankful for them.

Then, at the same time, I realized that one of my former students – about eleven years ago – was leading worship. What a testimony of her love for her Savior, and the willingness to serve. I guess it was sort of an emotional morning for me! But all good!

Later in the afternoon I took Autmn to work – she bought me a frozen coke! I then went over and helped Kathy pack a few boxes in her spare room. It’s harder to clean out treasures from the past than to go through what we use every day. Such a daunting task. Sarah, Millie and Wyatt stopped and brought us each a Wendy’s burger – so now I don’t have to cook. Thank you, Sarah and Autmn Rose!

May 22 – How many students were in your high school? In your graduating class? “Around 100 in the high school. My class was one of the biggest and had around 35. It still wasn’t enough to keep the school from closing.”

Yesterday’s Vacation Destination was Minnesota – and the pictures was the James J Hill house. I almost feel like I shared this before. Other pictures in MN are:

Calendar inspiration – One of my very favorites!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW May 23rd is:
We found a bunch of pennies in Kathy’s spare bedroom. I’m sure there were several lucky pennies in the bunch. God Bless!

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