I’m surprised that it’s still Thursday. This was an unexpectedly full, busy day, on top of a basically sleepless night (not sure why!). After work I stopped at Mike P’s, and he had a bunch of deals and questions. Then I stopped at the bank to make a deposit, at the Post Office to mail 3 letters, and at the Citgo to get gas. As I’d heard, it was $.30 more a gallon and predicted to go up again.

I made a grilled cheese with tomato for lunch, and was just going to mix up my scones for tomorrow’s breakfast (my friend is coming for breakfast!) when Autmn txt me. She had the day off and wanted us to hang out. I have been ‘pestering’ her to come visit so I switched plans and went to West Newton to pick her up. I owed her a birthday lunch and shopping trip, so we went straight to Barnes and Noble, then Joanne Fabrics, Five Below, and then food at Chick-Fil-A.

She has loved fingernail tips since she was old enough to walk, so she bought tips and glue, and also a craft kit to make bracelets. She confessed that she does get bored a lot. She’s been knitting blankets to keep busy between work shifts. I was glad to spend some time with her, and at least get the feel of how she’s doing and feeling. I can see her being more mature but she’s still a little lost. Love that girl!

So I was in the car most of the time between 2:30pm until about 8:15pm. Makes for a long afternoon, but I was glad it was long with Autmn! I did get the scones mixed up, but everything else on the to-do list is flipped to tomorrow.

One little side note – I take Route 136 (very narrow, hilly, twisty road) to West Newton, and at the blinker light on Middletown Road a tractor-trailer pulled in front of me. I followed him for several miles, and when we went up the one hill, the top of the trailer snagged an electric line and pulled it loose. He drug it for probably half a mile until it fell and bounced across the road. I was directly behind the truck and had slowed down and fell way back. Thankfully the wire finally came to rest in the middle of the road. I was able to go between the wire and the guide rail, and pulled over at the next driveway and called 9-1-1. I’m not sure what kind of wire it was but knew I shouldn’t drive over it. They took all the information – hope they got it put back together! It was sort of scary – it could have snapped back and landed on my car! A huge blessing and thankful heart that all was well in the end.
March 3 – Did you ever pretend to be sick as an excuse to stay home from school? “I loved school & never wanted to miss. I had a sick time in the 5th or 6th grade. The teacher came to the house so I could take the tests. I guess my mother was a good teacher as I always made 100% on the tests.” So I can tell Kelly her home-school roots run close!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was strange and unusual sights in Pennsylvania, and the pictures posted was Schafer’s Auto Art in Erie PA. Other crazy things to see:

(We were there!)

Calendar Inspiration – Look for moments to raise your spirits and inspire your imagination.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW March 4 is:
- Marching Music Day
- National Grammar Day
- National Hug a G.I. Day
- National Pound Cake Day
- National Sons Day
- Tartar Sauce Day
- National Day of Unplugging
- National Dress in Blue Day
- National Speech and Debate Education Day
- National Employee Appreciation Day
Lots to celebrate tomorrow! Personally, I’d love to have a piece of Lisa Hays’ pound cake. It’s so yummy! Hope I remember to dress in blue – but it’s doubtful. Have a happy day. God bless…
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