This is the first Saturday in a long time that I kept busy all day with chores. I started with changing and washing sheets, then breakfast. My fingernails were getting too long, and they split easily, so that was next. After that I worked a little on a computer project and answered a few emails.

I still had some leftover Chocolate Chip cookies (store bought) and melting chocolate. It didn’t take long to melt the chocolate and ice the cookies and put them in the fridge. While they were cooling I boiled a few eggs for egg salad, then made that for lunch.

After lunch I was thinking about the old vinyl album I got for Christmas when I was 8. So I got it out and listened to it. AROUND THE CHILDREN’S CORNER – with Josie Carey and Fred Rogers. I loved that album and I still do. “Oh! Today is a very special day. A very, very, very, special day. A very, very ….” (and on it goes, thanks to X the Owl!)

My next project was to hem the new shower curtains. It took me a few days to decide what – if anything – I wanted to do. But I decided I needed to see more of the dark plum trees, rather than the sky and mountains. So I hemmed two of the curtains from the top down. I really like the difference it made

Once that was done, I started working on a project for our summer Skunk Hollow event. Kathy and I are doing that together, so I just sort of organized a few thoughts. I finished the ironing, set out a container of veggie soup to defrost – that will be for tomorrow, since it has barely begun to thaw.

When I started typing it was cloudy and raining. Now the sun is shining! All in a few minutes time..

Autmn sent me a picture of her new shower curtain. Aunt Cordelia gave her brand new bathroom rugs, and she got a new curtain to compliment the rugs. Thank you, Aunt Cordelia!

And the neighboring horse was on the hill again this morning!

Other than finding something for supper that will be it for chores for today. I have the TV on in the background, and I’ll catch up on my reading and be done for the day.



TOMORROW March 23rd is:
National Chips and Dip day; Cuddly Kitten Day; Melba Toast Day; National Chia Day; National Puppy Day; Near Miss Day; OK Day; World Math Day; National Tamale Day.
Chips and dip are good, and who doesn’t like to cuddle kitties and puppies? Have a happy day. God bless…
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