March 20, 2025

Happy first day of spring. It did not feel like spring today. It was cloudy, chilly, and rain on and off. But we know it’s coming, groundhog or no groundhog.

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The sunrise was beautiful and had me hopeful. Didn’t quite pan out perfectly. I had a few things to do in Jeannette, then stopped at Mike P’s. They had probably one of the most messed up title situations I’m seen in a while. We talked about solutions so now we wait to see what happens.

I dropped a small bag of items at Goodwill, then stopped at the bank, then came home and had lunch. Just a can of soup. I got several green peppers given to me, so I washed them and cut them up in tiny pieces. Now when I’m hungry for stuffed pepper soup it won’t take so long.

The Big Ticket Item for the day was the closing on the cabin property. Kathy and I have been debating back and forth on passing it on for absolute years. It’s very nostalgic to us and has strong family memories. The issue is that we cannot manage to get out there often enough for the upkeep. I knew my cousin Eric REALLY wanted the property, which would keep it in the family. So after all the negotiations and decisions we met at the lawyer’s office and the deed is done (Pun intended). It’s very bittersweet. But as Eric says, changing owners doesn’t erase the memories, or the opportunities to visit family that still live in the area. I’m looking at this as a blessing for all of us – hoping the property will be loved and appreciated!

Dad building the cabin – 1963
Cabin new
Bigger and better – years later.

Scripture of the Day:


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TOMORROW March 21st is:

Big Bang Day; Credit Card Reduction Day; Educational Freedom Day; Harmony Day; International Day of Forests; Memory Day; National California Strawberry Day; National Countdown Day; National Crunchy Taco Day; National Flower Day; National French Bread Day; National Single Parent Day; National Teenager Day; Spring Fairy Fun Day.

What are we supposed to remember? Not to over-use our credit cards. Flowers are nice! Bless all the single parents. Have a happy day. God bless…

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