So I need to say that I really just fussed around all day. I cleaned the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the laundry room. I dusted and ran the sweeper and did laundry. Took the trash can up to the road. So there is my exciting day.

It was really nice, weather wise, so I went outside and swept some of the garage, the driveway, and the patio stones. It felt good to be outside for a little while. After being outside in the dirt yesterday, I woke this morning to sore muscles in several areas – but that’s ok. Can life get any more interesting than that? Below are a few clusters of purple blooms from my vines.

In between all my chores I kept reading the series I’m in the middle of. I’m really impressed by this author. Her descriptions are very unique and they pull you into the setting and the characters feelings easily. Once I finish this series I plan to try to find a way to contact her and leave a message.

Scripture of the Day:


TOMORROW March 20th is:
World Flour Day; World Frog Day; World Storytelling Day; Absolutely Incredible Kids Day; Alien Abduction Day; Astrology Day; Companies that Care Day; Dogs in Yellow Day; Great American Meat Out Day; Hufflepuff Pride Day; International Day of Happiness; March Equinox (First day of Spring); National Ravioli Day; Won’t you be my Neighbor Day.
I love stories! I know some incredible kids, and a lot of companies care. Don’t worry: Be HAPPY! SPRING is here!!! God bless, neighbor!!
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